the hottie that saved you

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     as you walked around the convention, you felt your bladder swell from all the water you'd been drinking. the building for Walker Stalker Con was HOT. you left your best friend and headed towards the bathrooms.

     after you did your thing, you washed your hands, and skipped the air dryer because of the germs. you walked out if the bathroom and grabbed your bag. you started to walk, but you were stopped by a tall, slim figure.

"excuse me" you said, looking up at this person's face. he had blonde hair, and green eyes. he wasn't very pretty.

"what's a pretty lady like you doin all alone?" he asked, putting his arm against the wall, blocking you from getting away. you looked around, trying to find someone to save you, there was no one.

"i-i was just using the bathroom, I really need to get back out there. my friends waiting for me" you said

"I think she can wait" he said, devilishly smiling

"s-she really can't. i need to go, if you'll just move" you snarked, trying to move past him

"no" he said, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back "I want you"

"I don't even know who you are" you said "let me go" you jerked away from him

"hey babe" a sulky voice said. you felt an arm wrap around your waist "something going on?" first of all, you're single. secondly, you could recognize this voice from anywhere. Chandler Carlton Riggs. you looked up and saw his tall figure, practically towering over the blonde guy that was harassing you. "is he bothering you?" he asked, then leaned down to kiss your forehead

"yeah, actually. I think this dude was trying to get in my pants" you said, leaning into Chandler

"well, only I can do that" he said, eyeing the guy. even though you had no clue why Chandler Riggs was saving your ass, hearing him say that, gave you the biggest butterflies in the world. "now, I think you should get the hell out of here, before I have to pull a Carl Grimes on your ass"

"u-uh, yeah. s-sorry" he stammered, looking up at Chandler, than practically pissing his pants and scurrying away

"thank you, so fucking much" you giggled, pulling away from him

"no problem. you looked like you needed a little bit of help" he laughed

"God knows what would've happened if you didn't save me"

"yeah, guys can be dicks. but so can girls" he laughed

"can't argue with that" you laughed

"hey, about that whole, getting in your pants thing, maybe I can sometime?" he said, quite confidently

"I'll think about it" you smirked

"well, in case you think yes, you'll need this" he said, taking your phone from your back pocket "password?" he asked. you stuck your hand out, implying that you would type it in "come on" he huffed "just tell me"

"fine" you giggled "0852"

"lame password, but okay" he laughed. a few seconds later, he handed it back to you. "see you around" he winked, walking away

     the rest of the convention was a blast. you told your best friend everything that happened, and you two laughed about it the entire way home. once you returned to your house, you laid on your bed and pulled out your phone. you went to your contacts, and under 't' you found a new number, named "the hottie that saved you" you laughed at his clever name for himself. you decided you'd text him

you: so, I've thought about it

the hottie that saved you: oh did you now?

you: I thought yes

chandler riggs and occasional Carl Grimes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now