walker stalker con part 1

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for the record: I have NO idea how this event works. all I know is that they have booths, and you get signatures there, and you can take pictures with them. that's literally all I know. so please, just pretend I'm doing it right. also, this is clearly gonna be based in the past, before Chandler gets killed off.

as you packed your bag, you heard your phone buzz. you looked over and saw a text from Chandler

coral: am i still picking u up?

you: do you mind?

coral: nah. i can.

you: okay, then yes. you're still picking me up lol

coral: cool, c u later skater

you giggled at his response, and put your phone in your back pocket.

okay so I feel like i always show you your outfits and if you don't like it just pick your own but this is your outfit lol:

okay so I feel like i always show you your outfits and if you don't like it just pick your own but this is your outfit lol:

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a few minutes later, after finishing your packing, you heard the beep of a car and within seconds, your front door opened

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a few minutes later, after finishing your packing, you heard the beep of a car and within seconds, your front door opened

"I'm here bitch!" he screamed

"wow chan! what if my parents were home?" you yelled from your room

"well theyre not, so we have nothing to worry about" he lowered his voice as he was now in your room. he walked over to you and put his hands on your waist. "well, don't you look pretty?" he whispered, kissing your neck

"no time, no time!" you said, pushing him away, zipping your suitcase

"what do you mean no time?!" he said, wrapping his arms around you

"Andy is gonna meet us at the McDonald's between here and the hotel in like half an hour, so we have to go" you said, grabbing the handle of your suitcase and pulling it off your bed, into the hallway. you heard Chandler sigh out of pure frustration

"we can be quickkk" he whined. you chuckled and shook your head

"you know that's not possible!"

"fine, at least let me take your bag" he said catching up to you and pulling your suitcase from your hand

"what a gentleman" you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck, giving him a sweet kiss

"I try" he laughed walking down the stairs. you followed after him, and locked the door after you left. you got into the passengers side of the car while Chandler put your bag in the back, before getting into the driver's seat and starting down the road. you turned on the radio, and instantly knew the song

"oh baby, baby" you sang, looking at Chandler "oh baby, baby" he rolled his eyes as you continued the song

"oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know
that something wasn't right here?
oh baby, baby, I shouldn't have let you go
and now you're out of sight, yeah
show me how want it to be
tell me, baby, 'cause I need to know now, oh because" you were now using your phone as a mic

"my loneliness is killing me" you sang, holding the phone to Chandler

"and I" he huffed

"I must confess I still believe" you sang

"still believe" he smiled

"when I'm not with you I lose my mind" you both sang "give me a sign" you belted "hit me baby one more time!" you each screamed.

the car ride to McDonald's was full of old Taylor swift and Britney spears. it was the most fun you'd had with Chandler in months. once you pulled into the parking lot, you spotted Andy's car.

"he's hereeeee" you held out. you each got out of the car and walked into the greasy, stinky restaurant to be met with Andy and Norman. they waved you over and you both sat down

"hungry?" Norman asked, handing you a fry

"you bet" you said taking it

"what do you want? I'll go get it" Chandler said

"just get me a ten piece and a coke or something" you said

"got it" he said, walking away

"you guys ready?" Andy asked

"we're pretty excited" you giggled

"oh hey, the dude that runs walker stalker con texted Rob, he said since you and chan are so close in age, and your characters are similar, you two have to share a booth" Norman said

"oh, that's totally fine" you said, taking another one of his fries. shortly after, Chandler returned with your meals. "thank youuu" you said

"I just got a large sprite for us to share since I won't drink much" he said

"okay. oh and by the way, we are sharing an autograph booth" you said

"alright" he said.

"can I have a picture with you guys?" a girl asked, holding her phone, an older lady behind her

"of course!" Andy said. we all stood up and posed around the girl, Norman and Chandler kissing each of her cheeks, and the older woman took the picture.

"thank you guys so much!" she said, hugging each of us

"no problem!" you said "thank you for supporting us!"

"always!" she squealed

you finished eating, and you and Chandler said your goodbyes to Norman and Andy, since you weren't staying at the same hotel. you got into the car and headed to the hotel. it was about an hour and a half drive.

you arrived when the sun was setting, so you got out of the car and took a few selfies, then Chandler came over and you took a few with him.

as you were walking in, you posted them on your Instagram and captioned "i wish days like this with him never ended💫 love you, chandie❤️" and within seconds, you had thousands of likes. your fans never ceased to amaze you. Chandler got your guy's room key, and you got in the elevator. you showed him the post, and he smirked

"quit calling me chandie" he said through clenched teeth, playfully tickling you

"stop!" you giggled, pulling away from him. the elevator came to a stop, and you both walked to your room, meeting a group of fans on the way. you got a picture with them, and finally made it to your room.

you sat down your suitcase and plopped yourself on to the queen sized bed, letting out a loud sigh

"I am beat!" you said

"bummer. I've been thinking about you all day" he whispered lowly, crawling on top of you

"oh yeah? what have you been thinking?" you asked seductively

"oh, just what you'd look like with all this" he stopped to point at your clothes "off" he whispered into your ear

"well, you wanna see?" you asked. he nodded in response, getting off you. you took off your shoes, then moved to your flannel. once everything but your bra and underwear were removed, Chandler regained control, kissing every inch of your soft, beautiful skin.

let's just say, you had a pretty fun night.

chandler riggs and occasional Carl Grimes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now