The Big Surprise

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After hugs and kisses and supper, the boys joined their uncles in the living room. They were setting something up on the radio. Uncle Ben turned to the boys, "So you two were wondering what was the big surprise this year." The boys took a bite of their candy canes and nodded. The men shared a secret smile and winked at the others who joined them in the room. Mr. Smith smiled and took out a newspaper, Mrs. Smith and their grandma picked up their knitting. John and Thomas exchanged puzzled glances, what were they in for this time? Uncle Lon began to explain, "Now, this radio show used to come on when your dad and us were kids around Christmas. And, since we got it the first time it came out on CD, it's been a tradition to listen to it every year before Christmas." Thomas and John looked at each other with excited smiles. Uncle Ben saw them and smiled at Uncle Lon, they had the boys in the palms of their hands.

With the radio set up, Uncle Ben and Uncle Lon sat down on either side of the boys, "Boys," Uncle Ben announced, "It's our pleasure to introduce you to The Cinnamon Bear." 

"Wait a second!" Thomas couldn't help shouting when the episode was over, "What happened next?" Uncle Lon patted Thomas' back, "You're about to find out. Since there's two weeks before Christmas, we can listen to three episodes a day. On Christmas Eve, we can listen to the last three." He and Uncle Ben skipped to the next track, "Now you boys are in luck." Uncle Ben explained, "Your dad and us could only listen to one episode a day for six days a week. You two get to listen to three episodes a day, seven days a week." John and Thomas giggled with excitement and leaned forward as Uncle Ben and Uncle Lon sat back down.

"Wow!" John exclaimed, "That was fantastic!" Grandma smiled, "You know, Judy and Jimmy always reminded me of two very special kiddos." Thomas scrunched up his face, "Who?"

"You two. Because you two are 'the nicest playmates you could ever want'. Isn't that right, David?" Their dad nodded, "Absolutely. The day Thomas was born, your uncles thought Judy and Jimmy were right in their family after he saw how nice you two are to each other." The boys blushed and looked at each other.

"Alright now, it's time for bed." their mom announced, "You boys, go right upstairs to bed."

"Yes, Mom." 

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