We Wish You a Merry Christmas

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Uncle Lon woke everyone up the next morning with the idea to watch A Christmas Story while they had breakfast. Because, "We need to watch it sometime, it's the most perfect Christmas movie ever and it's a favorite." So everyone got up, Grandma and Mrs. Smith set to work making blueberry muffins and served them with coffee and cinnamon hot chocolate. Uncle Ben set up the DVD and everyone gathered on the couch to watch.

As the movie went on, Thomas couldn't help cringing when Scut Farkus came on the scene or when they came to the part where Flick got his tongue stuck to the flagpole. They had always given him nightmares as a kid. Just seeing Flick get his tongue stuck made him not want to take his tongue even an inch outside his mouth. The part that did make it interesting was when Ralphie had his daydream about the Red Ryder Air Rifle, after that scene, he and John toasted to him with juice.

After the movie was done, the boys were going to go outside, but their mom insisted they stay in a while since they were caroling that night, "I don't want you two freezing to death." So, the boys got out the chess board. Thomas tried his best to beat John, he moved his Queen to the other end of the board where none of John's other pieces could get him. Then, on his next turn, he moved his Rook next to John's King, "Check." Without thinking, John took out the Rook. Thomas slid his Queen over and took out John's King, "Checkmate." John scrunched up his face, "Dang. Well, it was a lucky hit, let's play again."

"You're on."

"This time, I'm not going easy on you."

They played until lunch. Then, topic of conversation became caroling that night. Thomas always said John sang like an angel. And most people agreed. He could sing like no one's business. Grandma noticed the boys talking about it and switched on the radio.

John sang along and, after the song, everyone applauded. Thomas even put his arms around him.

The time till they got to leave for caroling felt just as long as yesterday. The boys got to help Grandma make Christmas cookies and everyone pitched in to decorate. But then, there wasn't much to do after that. Uncle Ben pulled out the old scrapbook and the boys sat next to him as they looked through past times they spent together. Thomas caught their mom snapping a picture and hoped she caught lots more. This was definitely a Christmas they would want to remember.

After looking through it all, the boys took out Clue and asked Uncle Ben to play with them. The game took about half an hour before Thomas decided to make an accusation: Ms. Scarlet in the Billiard Room with the Pistol. He was right! The first time he ever got an accusation right! As they went for a second round, Thomas couldn't help asking, "Uncle Ben, will you and everyone else be okay while John and I go caroling?" Uncle Ben nodded, "Of course, you boys have fun and we'll have fun."


They passed the rest of the time playing board and card games till supper. After Uncle Ben won a game of Liar, it was time to wash hands.

At the table, when he didn't have food in his mouth, John tried to make everyone laugh with crazy warm-ups for his voice. Thomas was soon laughing at his put-on voice as he pretended to warm up,

"Do-Rey-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do; Do-Ti-La-So-Fa-Mi-Rey-Do!"

After supper, the boys went upstairs to get ready. John made sure Thomas wore the scarf Grandma made him a couple years ago. He had one just like it, "Only girls get embarrassed when they wear the same outfit, no one said anything about guys."

Once they were ready, they said goodbye, everyone wished them a good time, and Mr. Smith drove them off to meet the others. John and Thomas stared out the windows to admire the lights and decorations everywhere. When they got to the community center, they said goodbye to their dad, and joined the others.

As they toured the neighborhood, John got lots of compliments on how well he sang. His voice almost completely stood out. Thomas bumped John everytime he got a compliment. It was so much fun getting to sing for so many people and how much they enjoyed it. Thomas did his best, too. In between songs, John would tell him he sounded good too and they sounded even better together.

When they came back to the community center, there were candy canes waiting for them. As the leader thanked everyone for coming out, John noticed that Thomas' cheeks were so pink, they almost looked like Christmas bows on each cheek. Thomas could feel his heart aflutter with happiness. John put an arm around his little brother and squeezed him tight, "Come on, kiddo. It's time to go home."

When they came out, their dad had just arrived to pick them up. The boys went right to telling him about their time, "It was fantastic!" Thomas started, "John got lots of compliments!" Mr. Smith grinned, "Not a big surprise, you two sound great together." Thomas blushed.

When they arrived home, Grandma had peppermint hot chocolate waiting, Mrs. Smith was knitting new hats for the boys, and Uncle Ben and Uncle Lon were playing Monopoly. When they came in, the boys sang 'The Christmas Shoes' again for everyone and the whole company applauded. Uncle Lon sat the boys down while Grandma brought them their hot chocolate, "You boys must be exhausted from all that singing." She touched John's cheek, "And you're both so cold." Uncle Lon drapped a blanket over them, "Let's get you two warmed up." Uncle Ben set up the radio and everyone sat down for Cinnamon Bear.

The boys felt they could drop off to sleep right there on the couch. Uncle Ben patted their shoulders, "Alright, boys. Upstairs now. Uncle Lon and I will come tuck you in." As the boys got ready for bed, John was just finished combing Thomas' wet hair when their uncles came to tuck them in, "Did you have a good time?" Uncle Ben asked as he kissed Thomas goodnight. Thomas nodded, "I really wish it could be like this all the time." Uncle Ben smiled, "Bless your heart, kiddo."

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