Missing Grandpa

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The boys went up to their room and started to settle in and get ready for bed. As Thomas was putting his clothes away in the chest, he looked up at the picture of all of them together, including Grandpa and sighed. Would Christmas really still be Christmas without Grandpa? He was sure Grandpa wanted to show them The Cinnamon Bear when he was still alive. Now, he wouldn't ever get to. John saw his brother's forlorn face and put an arm around his shoulder, "What's wrong, kiddo?" Their Uncle Lon came in, "Are you okay?" Thomas sniffled, "Do you really think Christmas will be the same without Grandpa?" Uncle Lon understood how Thomas was feeling. The death of Grandpa had really hit him hard, too. He'd cried for about three days afterwards. Finally, he told him, "Well, it may not be exactly the same. But, it's up to us to make Christmas special. You know, he always said that when we miss the ones we loved who've passed on, we keep them in spirit right here." He tapped a finger on Thomas' heart. Thomas brushed away a stray tear as Uncle Lon patted him on the shoulder, "Now, you boys need to get some rest. Into bed now, your Uncle Ben and I will be back in a minute to tuck you in."

A few minutes later, Uncle Ben and Uncle Lon came back to tuck them in. Even though they were too old for it, getting tucked in itself never got old. Uncle Ben noticed with satisfaction that Corduroy was still in good shape, "I see you kept your end of the bargain."

"Of course I did." Everyone laughed. The way Thomas acquired Corduroy was a little secret they'd kept between the four of them. It started with a simple trip to the store.


Thomas had been six years old when it happened. Uncle Ben had taken him with him on a trip to the store when Thomas spotted Corduroy in the toy department, "Uncle Ben, look! There's the bear I've always wanted!" He pointed to him on the shelf, "Can I keep him, please?" Uncle Ben looked down at his young nephew and sighed. He had a look at the bear, "He's a nice one." He sighed again, "Oh, I never thought your eyes could get so big. Alright, I'll let you keep him...on one condition." Thomas nodded eagerly, "Yes, what? I'll do anything!" Uncle Ben chuckled and rubbed Thomas on the head, "You can keep him if you promise to take good care of him."

"I will! He's the most perfect bear in the whole wide world!"

When they left, they decided the cover story to be that he got it since he did the same for John with Jackie the Penguin. He also pointed out on the way home that he never saw a bear with corduroy overalls, "That's it!" Thomas had exclaimed, "That's what I'll call him! Corduroy! Just like the one in the book!"

The real story was told to Uncle Lon and John. Their parents never learned the real reason: Thomas gave him puppy eyes and he promised to take care of him. But, that was probably for the best.


Ben and Uncle Lon gave each of them a kiss, said goodnight, and left them to go to sleep.

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