Going from a slow day to something beautiful

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The boys got more excited as Christmas got closer and closer. Only a few more days. After breakfast, Mr. Smith took the boys ice skating. Thomas didn't need John to hold his hand for balance anymore. He was skating like he used to again. They skated together until their dad called them back to get home for lunch, "Your grandma is making grilled cheese." Thomas' eyes widened, "Yum!"

When they got home, the sandwiches were just finished and Mrs. Smith even warmed up the leftover tomato soup. The boys sat down and talked while they ate, "So, what are we doing this afternoon?" Grandma smiled, "Well, we won't be doing much. The exciting thing is coming tonight. We're going to see the Christmas lights." Thomas gasped, "Really? Alright!" He high-fived John. Uncle Ben sat down with his own lunch and joined the boys, "Yep, right in the historic town square. They've picked some of the best lights to put on display." Uncle Lon sat next to him, "It gets even better tomorrow night, we're going caroling." John almost forgot to swallow his soup, "Fantastic! This'll be awesome!"

The boys tried to calm themselves as they waited for what seemed like the longest time. They got started on a game of Uno and dealt their dad and Uncle Lon in. Uncle Ben was going to fill up the car at the gas station. They played five games until Uncle Ben came back. Thomas challenged Uncle Ben to chess and John got to play the winner. Uncle Ben beat Thomas and went against John. It was very close, but Uncle Ben beat John.

After this, everyone got in a game of Scrabble. Uncle Ben and Mr. Smith tied for first place. Thomas insisted they play another game just them to settle the score. In the end, Uncle Ben beat Mr. Smith. Just as John was starting to put the game pieces away, they were told to wash hands. On their way to the table, Thomas tugged Uncle Lon's sleeve, "Uncle Lon?"


"Would you and Uncle Ben read me and John Winnie the Pooh before we go to sleep tonight?" Uncle Lon smiled as though he thought Thomas would never ask, "Of course we will." He patted Thomas' back, "Let's sit down, now. Your grandma made spaghetti tonight." Thomas licked his lips, "Oh, boy!"

After supper, while Grandma and Mrs. Smith cleared and washed the dishes, the men got ready to go to the christmas lights. Once everyone was in the car and they were on their way, Thomas clutched John in excitement. It was never long until they got to the historic town square, Grandma almost lived right next door to it. It was a nice place to go, the boys, when they were little, thought that the historic town square was a magic door that took you back in time to the eighteenth or nineteenth century. It looked almost exactly the way it did when the town was founded.

As they drove through, the boys kept their eyes looking out the window. There was so much to see and the lights would be amazing! As they drove through, their dad put on the radio station the lights interacted to. It was so cool! The lights actually responded to the music. Thomas smooshed his face against the window, the lights were so beautiful. John was in awe, too. The lights were always beautiful this year, but they seemed to get beautiful every year, "Wow!" Thomas nodded, "Aren't they beautiful? It's like magic."

"Yea." Uncle Ben and Uncle Lon seemed amused by their nephews' admiration, "You like those?" Uncle Lon asked them. The boys nodded. Uncle Ben smirked, "It'll get even better at the end. I won't spoil it." They evidently saved the best for last: it was a life-size light decoration of Santa in his sleigh. It made it look as though the sled was taking off, "Woah!" Thomas exclaimed. John's eyes widened, "That is so cool!"

Once they started heading back home, John and Thomas leaned back in their seats, "That was incredible!" John sighed.

"Definitely." Thomas added, "It makes you wish it could be like this all the time." John nodded. It was like all the problems in the world were forgotten for just this one time of the year and everyone took time to be together with their friends and family, give gifts, be happy, and just live peacefully together, even if it was just for a short time.

When they got home, Mrs. Smith shooed them upstairs to get ready for bed. As soon as they were clean and ready, they sat down next to their uncles for Cinnamon Bear.

"Wow," John thought aloud, "I never heard of cowboys like that. But, yeah, like Jimmy said, just like in the movies, they came just in the nick of time." He turned to Thomas, "Remember when we played cowboys and we showed up at just the right time?" Thomas giggled and nodded, "Yea, though I sometimes wished they were actually in trouble and not just playing. Like that one time I thought Uncle Ben actually got stuck in quicksand."  John smirked, "Well, we came just in the nick of time." he playfully nudged him and put on his play cowboy voice, "Eh, partner?" Thomas laughed and pretended to whip a hat off, "Yee-haw!"


That was when they were nine and seven. They were out in the yard playing cowboys: hats, stickhorses and all. Then they heard Uncle Ben say, "Ugh, it's like I'm stuck in quicksand." Only, they hadn't heard 'it's like I'm stuck in quicksand.' they heard 'I'm stuck in quicksand.' Their eyes grew wide and John told Thomas, "Come on, we gotta save Uncle Ben." Uncle Lon happened to be nearby weeding Grandma's garden when he heard the boys. So, since he could tell they thought it was real, he decided to have some fun, took off his garden gloves, and came over and pretended to be trying to get Uncle Ben out. When the boys came over, Uncle Lon whispered to Uncle Ben, "Just play along." he turned them, "Cowboys! We need your help!" Uncle Ben put on his most terrified face, the boys almost panicked, "Hang on! We're coming!" John shouted.

Once they had Uncle Ben out of the "quicksand", the boys stopped to catch their breath. Thomas wiped his brow, "How'd you get in quicksand, Uncle Ben?" Uncle Ben eyed Uncle Lon, "Um, it wasn't quicksand, boys. It was mud."

"Oh." The boys began to blush, "I guess we worried for nothing." John said uncomfortably. Uncle Lon put a hand on John's shoulder, "It's alright, boys. We just wanted you boys to have fun."

"And feel a little important." Uncle Ben added. Thomas suddenly gasped with an idea, "Wait. You can get stuck in mud. So really, if John and I hadn't come, Uncle Ben would be stuck." Uncle Ben acted as though he never thought of it that way, "Your right, Thomas. We ought to tell your mom and dad about this. And you were true cowboys."

"How?" they asked. "You came at just the right moment." Uncle Lon replied.

They told Mr. and Mrs. Smith everything and they were showered with hugs, kisses, and every praise in the book. They were even treated to watching The Lone Ranger and The Rifleman (their dad's favorite).


Uncle Lon rubbed Thomas' head, "Alright, boys." he stood up and gave Thomas a hand, "Come on upstairs to bed and Uncle Ben and I will read to you like I promised Thomas we would." John headbutted Thomas as they headed upstairs with their uncles right behind them.

The boys were tucked in and Uncle Ben and Uncle Lon took turns reading chapters to them till it was time for lights out. After five chapters, they tucked the boys in and kissed them goodnight.

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