Is Missing her the Reason?

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Kayano's POV:

"How can you put it into words? The feeling like your stomach is being overrun by butterflies- your heart beats really fast- the sudden urge to t-" Nagisa started to say. 

Is he seriously asking me this? This is some sort of joke, right? A prank? It has to be! But, when I looked into his eyes, I could tell he was asking sincerely. 

He. . . has a crush. . .  

What should I tell him? If I tell him he has a crush, he might ask this girl out. My chances with him would be ruined. On the other hand, if I lie. . . actually, I don't think that could backfire at all! If he doesn't realize he likes this girl, I still have a chance! 

I made my choice. 

"It's so obvious, silly! You miss your mom! It's like feeling homesick, but it's about a person, not a place."

He looked confused. Almost as if he expected me to say something else. 

I have to be more convincing!

"Think about it! That must be it! You haven't seen her in how long? It's how any son would feel!"

He nodded slowly. 

Nice save Kayano! 

I giggled softly. He was so cute. I also admired how much he trusted me- asking me my opinion about something so important to him like this. I just hope he bought it. 

Nagisa's POV:

When Kayano said the reason I was feeling this way was because of missing my mom, I didn't believe it. She didn't cross my mind at any time. . .  

Why would I want to think about her, anyway? She wasn't the nicest, to put it simply. I guess Kayano didn't realize what relationship my mother and I shared. 

I nodded slowly. But I wasn't satisfied with my answer. 

"You know. . . I don't think that's it." I said bluntly. 


"I haven't thought about my mom at all, now that I think about it. I have no reason to miss her."

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't you miss her?"

I looked to my thumbs, which I found myself twiddling. 

"She calls me every day!" I said making up a quick lie. "Since I'm still in contact with her, it feels like she's right here with me!"

Kayano looked at mean with a blank expression. She then put her elbows on the table in between her pudding and used her hands to prop up her head. 

"Nagisa. . ." Kayano suddenly looked offended. 

"W-why are you lying to me?"

I stared into Kayano's eyes. She seemed offended. Like I had no trust in her. Guilt suddenly washed over me. 

I can't lie to her. 

"Your right." I took a deep breath. 

"Kayano, just promise you won't tell anyone, okay? Not even my closest friends know what I'm about to tell you."

"Not even Karma?"

I shook my head. Kayano did in response. 

Here we go.

A/N: By the way, in case you were wondering, nobody learnt about Nagisa's mom's actions from the assassination classroom. In turn, Nagisa's mom never turned into a caring and nice mom as she does in the series. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Plus, I am super grateful that this is ranked the 22nd best Nagikae story!

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