Those 3 Words

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Kayano's POV: 

I had just finished cleaning Nagisa's wounds when I noticed beads of sweat forming on his forehead. 

"Nagisa, are you hot? You're sweating quite a bit." 

"Actually. . .  My vision. . . It's getting fuzzy," Nagisa told me. 

Suddenly, he collapsed on the floor. His eyes were shut and his teeth clenched. I put my hand to his forehead. 

"Nagisa, your burning up!" But I soon realized he wasn't conscience. 


I looked at the counter and found Nagisa's phone. I picked it up and took Nagisa's hand, well, his thumb specifically. Then I used it to unlock his phone.  I could call an ambulance, but when asked for authority, then Nagisa's mom would be brought into it. She was probably the reason Nagisa ended up like this. . . 

What should I do?

I checked his emergency contacts, but there were only two numbers. 

Mine, and Karmas. 

Karma is always quick on his feet. He'll know what to do!

I called him, and the phone started to ring out. In a matter of seconds, Karma picked up. 

"Karma, it's an emergency! Nagisa, he fainted! I don't know what to do!"

Karma just laughed. 

"Stop kidding with me. Is this a prank?"

"No, it's not!" I screamed desperately. 

"Kayano, what did you do, screw him too hard?" 

"No, no! He's fainted! He's temperature has to be at least 106°F! if his temperature isn't lowered quickly, he could have organ failure!" 

My vision was going blurry, and I noticed that it was because tears were swelling up in my eyes.

"Karma, he could die!" I screamed but then shut my mouth quickly. If his mom heard me, I might be put in worse shape than Nagisa. 

I heard Karma let out a breath or worry and anger. 

"Why the hell isn't he at the hospital, then?" He yelled, making me feel guilty. If something bad happened to Nagisa, it would be my fault. If I just brought Nagisa to the hospital and worried about his mom later, maybe he would be in better shape. I looked back down at Nagisa, who I had shifted onto my lap. He was already shirtless, so at least his chest wasn't sweating as much as it would have been. He was sweating a lot, too, though. 

I felt more tears rolling down my cheeks as I stared at his lifeless body. Now and then, he would shiver in his sweat, and I just put my hand in his hair. 

"Hang in there, Nagisa. . ." I whispered in his ear, only for him to hear. 

If he could at all. 

"Karma, please," I whimpered.

"Please, help him!"

Karma's POV:

I looked at a counter in my room to see my phone buzzing. 

I answered before even looking at the contact because I recognized the ringtone I set for Nagisa. I was about to greet him when I heard Kayano's ear-piercing shrieks. 

"Karma, it's an emergency! Nagisa, he fainted! I don't know what to do!"

Her voice was so high-pitched it made me laugh. 

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