Chapter 2 - Furry Pandas and Rotisserie Chickens

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When Hunter was young, he never liked the outdoors. He was more of a video game kind of kid, playing on his console for hours on end. However, Autumn slowly introduced him to the wild side of humanity, away from the beaten path. Each time, they hopped over obstacle after obstacle, and traveled deep into the dense woods, finding places where they could just be themselves.

Hunter gathered a large white blanket and silver cloth, and slung them over his shoulder, forming an alabaster Mexican Cape. The cloth hung down to his long legs, scratching softly against his skin.

"Well, I guess I have to serve you, your majesty." Hunter sighed. "I'll even get you a donkey, so you won't be bored in your palace." Autumn rolled her eyes. "Wish me luck, milady, and don't let Theon escape," he once again cautioned, as he slipped out into the arctic wasteland.

"Yeah, like I would let my only other friend escape!" Autumn yelled after him as she reached with her arm to grab and pull, with all her strength, the furry panda.


Okay, so I'm guessing that you're probably wondering why there was a random panda in the middle of Antarctica, and I can assure you that there was a good reason. We, the Giant Panda Agency, sent down an operative to deal with the kids' situation, for we didn't want to lose our little, young saviors.

According to my knowledge, which, might I add, is quite extensive, only a human being could solve the catastrophe that was Earth. Something about a balance between mind and soul or whatever. And of course, the only people who could actually do that, were in fact, Hunter and Autumn. By the time they were mature enough to do their job by themselves, it was too late to bring Theon - the panda operative - back up to our headquarters. So, unfortunately, he was stuck there with those dumb-knuckles until the rest of the world could figure out how to sit in a circle and discuss how they could all live in peace. Like us pandas.


The magnificent city of Civitia Glacia was more like a bunch of tiny countries packed into New York City blocks, with skyscrapers that touched the stratosphere. It wasn't a long trek to the city's edge, maybe 10 minutes. The kids resided on the very brink of a giant iceberg, and no one lived there except them. Everyone else was afraid of the iceberg melting right into the sea, to be lost forever. Little did they know that since it was only going to get colder, the chances of a giant block of ice melting was pretty slim.

Hunter hurried through the colossal horde of people, trying to make it quickly to the international food market. Gunshots rose and fell in the distance, as if on a routine. The wars between the powerful countries of Great Britain and Mortemire had been constantly going on for territory in Antarctica since the incident.

Hunter swept through the crowd and ducked into the stock, trying not to get pick pocketed by the city-dwellers. He passed glistening swordfish and the dragon fruit seller's stall. This market was filled with everything, ranging from sushi to curry to carrots, and doubtlessly spanned a three football fields in size. Hunter made his way to a grey and blue stall, old and falling apart, looking like it had been through a hurricane.

As he neared the cart, he was smacked upside the head with the irresistible smell of cooked meat. Mouth watering, he looked around, trying to find something that would satisfy him and Autumn for a day or two. He noticed the stall owner giving him a strange look, and in turn, Hunter gave him an awkward smile.

"Well, you're a mighty fine young lad, aren't ya?" the man asked, his crooked grin showing his grey teeth, some missing.

Hunter chuckled, "Thanks," he replied, not too sure of what else to say. Once again the man gave him the strange look, almost like he was observing his every breath.

"You know, I have myself a daughter, and she mighty fine too. She don't got no one right now, and I think you'd be perfect," the man said, leaning closer to him. Laughing nervously, Hunter asked for the rotisserie chicken, the kind that made your nose excited and your mouth go dry. The man's cheery face fell, and he handed the large plastic bag to Hunter. Incredibly eager to leave, he grabbed the bag and slipped away from the stall.

He followed the iced over roads and hopped over the fence marking the city's edge. He neared the igloo where Autumn and Theon were in a full sprint, trying to get them as quickly as possible. It was partially to throw off anyone possibly on his tail, anyone who might've seen him swipe the apples that were now in his pocket. But, it was mostly to get there while the chicken was still warm. He was just three minutes away from Autumn when he spotted something that made him stop dead in his tracks.

Three pairs of boot prints, definitely not his own, heading towards the igloo.

Hunter ran.

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