Chapter 12 - Walkie Talkies and Quick Pecks

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Hunter and Autumn were trekking up their thirty foot ladder, equipped with four plungers, some soap, hydrochloric acid, a water gun painted black, and a hand held pistol. Why? I have no idea. As they peered over the cliff, they found three guards, each armed with their very own A0-63.

"You think you can take 'em?" Autumn asked. Her hair was tied up and stuffed back into a messy bun that was concealed by the black hoodie she was wearing. Their semi-automatic pistols carried eight whole bullets. No spares. If they shot each guard, no way would they survive with only thirteen deadly decision makers.

"Not really. They're easily thirty feet away, and by the time I would run up to one and knock him out, the others would either be shooting at me or knocking me out as well." Hunter replied as he zipped up his own dark hoodie, and considered using their other 'tools'. He held two of the four plungers in his hands, for not all of them could fit in his jet black backpack.

"Maybe I could chuck some ice balls at them, covering their eyes and stunning them for a few seconds," he tried.

"Yeah, but it's easy to get ice out of your face, and plus, you can't get a direct hit on each of their faces simultaneously, even with my help."

Hunter sighed, knowing she was right, but then, an idea stuck over him. "Hey Autumn, pass me the gun."

"Hunter you can't shoot all of them. Well, not with one bullet." Autumn resisted from lending him the valuable weapon. "And Hunter, hate to break it to ya, but you have, like, no aim.

Hunter rolled his eyes. But, he had noticed by this point that the three soldiers were walking in triangle, one in the front, two in the back. This very technique was used so that it was impossible to shoot them down at once. What Hunter had realized was that their feet aligned every other step they took. With extremely precise aim and timing, the back foot of the front person and the two feet of the other people could be shot and send them crippling to the ground. "You have to trust me on this one," Hunter pleaded to Autumn.

Autumn handed the gun with uncertainty. "Pretend it was your great-great-great-grandmother's china tea set."

"I know." He held up the high caliber pistol up to his line of sight, aiming at the guards' legs. When he got the timing right, he pressed back on the trigger, watching the bullet go clean through the feet of the men.

"Geez, Hunter," Autumn said, shocked.

He smirked and they both jumped up, racing to the squirming men before they could recover, rendering them unconscious with sharp punches to their jaws.

"Happy birthday!" Hunter smiled as he yanked the bodies over the wall, taking only their guns and the walkie talkies. They needed the extra ammunition and the reports from the inside of the B.A.W.W.E. Headquarters. "Welcome to the cool fifteen year-olds club."

"Thank you," Autumn said with joy. Somehow, even without a calendar, Hunter remembered her birthday.

"You're welcome."

They slowly made their way towards the front doors, surprised and on edge about the lack of security at the building. Autumn took a mighty leap over the short wall surrounding the towering structure, not bothering to open the small gate. Her head peeked over the wall at Hunter, daring him to do the same.

He smiled, and with a loud "YEET," made his way over the wall as well. Autumn however wasn't too pleased, and started to say something. But, she was cut off by Hunter, who said, "You did something unnecessary, so I must take it upon myself to do something unnecessary too."

Autumn grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him a hair's breadth away from her face. "But I, Hunter, didn't take it upon myself to alert everyone that we are not supposed to be here!"

Hunter, feeling especially brave, came in close and gave her a quick peck right on the lips, making her release her grip on his shirt.

She wiped and scrubbed at her lips, cheeks flushing red. "Why the heck would you-" But she was quickly cut off by Hunter.

"I thought you said that we weren't supposed to alert everyone we were here," he smirked, "yet  here you are, doing exactly the same."


As they walked through the base's enormous doors, they reached a large hallway that split into two bigger ones.

"Plan 'Split Up and Look Around The Corridors and Fight Guards and Find Theon and Escape and Find a Better Name For This Plan' is finally a go!" Hunter said enthusiastically. Autumn stood behind slightly, but took a deep breath and straightened her posture again.

"Alright, Hunter you can go to the right, I'll go to the left" Autumn said for what seemed to be the millionth time. Reviewing the plan with Hunter was a bit of a task. He had the memory of a rat.

"I go left and you go right. Got it."

"No, Hunter. How do you mess this up? It's literally like I'm asking you to add one plus one, and you tell me it's three."

"The answer is window, not three, everyone knows that," Hunter replied innocently.

Autumn rolled her eyes. "How about this: you choose which side you want to go and I'll just go through the other one?"

"Yeah, that'll work." Hunter stared at the passages, staring as though something was to happen.

"What are you waiting for?" asked Autumn impatiently. "We don't have all day!"

"Fine, you choose then." Hunter humphed, biting his lip, trying to hide his grin. Autumn turned herself to the left. Hunter smirked and turned the other way.

"Bye Autumn."

"Bye Hunter."

"Don't die."

Autumn sighed.

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