Chapter 3 - Tea Biscuits and Big Brutes

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Hunter hadn't arrived yet when she heard it. And boy, was she terrified. All Autumn could do was wait in a frigid corner with Theon, the now farting panda.

The three British guards were doing a patrol of the city when all of a sudden, they spotted a boy, maybe around 15, swoop out from under a layer of snow near the edge of the glacier and head towards the city. Jack, the youngest of the three guards, was the one that caught the glimpse of the figure.

"Would you like some tea after we finish doing our rounds?" Winston was saying, the old, stocky guard, as he placed one frozen foot in front of the other.

"Pardon me, mate, but I think I've spotted some illegals," interrupted Jack, "Over there." He pointed to a lump of snow that didn't resemble anything but a lump of snow. Winston and the other meat-head looked over to the patch. Both smiled.

"You know what it is? It's a bunch of rich kids trying to prove how dashing they are." rumbled the largest guard, Onex. Jack and Winston snickered as they lined themselves up with the fort.

"How did we even miss this?" Winston questioned as they closed the distance by twenty feet.

"Because whilst we were supposed to be patrolling, you piles of rubbish were talking about tea and biscuits by the fire." Jack replied. And with a little grin he added, "Let's have a little fun with these punks."


The first hole that appeared in the igloo was just to the left of her head. Autumn jumped but didn't say a word. She cautiously peeked her head out of the entrance; no feet. Autumn knew what she had to do, but she had to act fast.

The second hole came about a minute after the first one had. Autumn had to assume there was only one intruder because of the slow pattern, and the pin drop silence. Well, pin drop silence until Theon released a burst of toxic gas. She winced and quietly moved to him, scooping him up as she tiptoed to the center of the room and got ready to pounce. Pop! Another handful of snow got thrown into the center, but that wasn't the only thing that came rushing in.

At the moment the mass came, she leaped and grabbed around, fighting the intruder before gripping a hand and twisting it behind her shoulder blade. She bit into the man's furry arm and then kicked him in the armpit. You could hear a faint crack, followed by an unleashing of some very colorful vocabulary. She turned quickly and hid Theon under the sheets of the bed. Some other guys started shouting. That was when Autumn knew she was in trouble.

The man rose up once again, coming at her with all he had. She then hit him with a full roundhouse kick right in the jaw, and nailed him in the eyes with a scoop of ice, momentarily blinding him. While he was recovering, the second came crashing in through the roof and tried to swat her, but her quick reflexes helped her duck ever so low, resulting in him slapping himself in the face.

She knelt down and pushed the man over her knee, flipping him square on his back. He tried to get back up but Autumn sprung up and nailed him to the ground, foot right in the middle of his heaving chest. She punched his jaw with a flourish, knocking him out and leaving her with two more.


By then, Hunter had joined the party, and came dashing up to the second goon. He chucked the chicken in his hands in the direction of the man's eyes. It missed, but while the brigand was ducking, Hunter sprinted up and punched him in the nose, and buried his knee in the opponent's crotch. A final blow to the liver put the man on his right butt, leaving him gasping for air.

Then, it came to the last person. Autumn got a good look at the giant character; he was six and a half feet, maybe more, and looked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man on steroids. Autumn felt accomplished after checking him up, but soon realized that she and Hunter had to put him down.

The guy must have eaten too much chipotle, Hunter thought to himself. The man in front of Hunters eyes, Onex, was beefy, with a big temper and a big ego. His teeth were slightly crooked, most likely from other fights that he had come across.

Hunter probably thinks he ate too much chipotle, Autumn mused silently.

The man was officially blue at that point, looking at what the two kids had done to his friends. He was enraged and probably wanted to rip them into shreds, but while Hunter and Autumn were dealing with the others, Onex had successfully called for backup.

He quickly put his pager away so the teens wouldn't know that others were coming. He was utterly bewildered at was happening before him; the young lady, impressively strong, and the young man, impressively fast. Both with critical skills needed in fighting.

"The show must go on," Onex grinned.


Theon had scrambled away from the 'battle zone' as soon as Autumn had let go of him, taking shelter in a nearby snow dune. His was breathing heavily, but was alright. "I wish you luck Autumn Ley and Hunter Fox," he whispered. "I will be there with you always. Let us hope that the gods will be too."


"You ready Hunter?" Autumn asked, a grin on her face.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Hunter cooed, smiling as well. They both turned to the giant man facing them, his smile faltering.

"You will never beat me!" he said, telling himself the words as much as them.

"We'll see about that," they both replied simultaneously. After a quick glance at each other, they locked their eyes at the opponent, ready to pounce. Hunter and Autumn slowly circled the guard and observed his every move. Onex was the first to attack, running straight towards Hunter, curling up his knuckles for a clean K.O. Hunter saw this and pretended not to until Onex was within striking distance.

He quickly ducked, and stuck his foot out to trip the massive man. Onex didn't fall over, but he stumbled and was puzzled by why his fist wasn't able to meet anything. By the time he had figured out what had happened, Autumn had already sprung off of Hunter's back, flipped, and landed with her legs around the guard's waist. Autumn bent over to grip the man's neck, but it was like trying to suffocate a stone.

Onex was fighting back, swinging a few punches in Autumn's general direction, but only one hit her, directly to her shoulder, throwing her off balance. She rolled off of him into a defensive stance as Hunter took his turn. While Onex was busy getting a fly out of his hair, Hunter had gathered some sheets and wrapped it around Onex's legs.

He pulled sharply on the sheets, in hopes of grounding the large man. Onex toppled over, landing on his back with a large grunt, but seemed to somehow grab hold of Hunter. Autumn elbowed Onex right in the neck, halting the actions of him trying to restrain the boy. Onex reached up one last time, but with one side kick from Hunter, he was out cold.

Autumn quickly gathered the unconscious bodies, and one by one, slid each one down to the sea, creating a feeding frenzy for the alarmed leopard seals, and ending the guards' lives forever. She slowly made her way back to the pile of rubble that had once been their home. Autumn sat next to Hunter, back against a rigid ice block, and rested her head on his shoulder. "I guess those Karate lessons really paid off," she yawned, and snuggled right up to him, Hunter wrapping a cold arm around her.

"I guess they did," he replied, "but boy am I pooped."

"Me too, Hunter," Autumn laughed. "Me too." And they fell asleep like that, in each other's arms. Together, they felt like they could accomplish anything. But what they couldn't do was fight when large arms wrapped around their oblivious bodies. 

OoOoOoOOOooh, it's a mysteryyyyy

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