Chapter 4 - Weird Kidnappings and River Crossings

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Someone had tied them up with ropes, gags covering their mouths. They weren't really able to move, tied up to a chair and all. They were in an atrociously small room, filled with nothing but them and another chair. They sat looking at the wall, Autumn on the left, Hunter on the right, each struggling with the tight knots entangling their arms and legs. Someone walked into the room from the other side, took the gags off of their mouths and sat down in a bland wooden chair across from them.

"Alright, kids. Let's just get right to it. How would you feel about joining our force?" asked the mysterious man. He was wearing a long, dark cloak, its hood concealing his face from view.

"What?!" they both answered in unison. "You want us, teenagers that just killed three of your men, to fight for you?" questioned Hunter. "You must realize that you kidnapped us from our home, which is now rubble no less, tied us up to a couple of cruddy chairs, and simply walked into the room asking if we want to join your force?!"

"We saw you fight. Almost as good as some of our own. So, the answer is yes, if you would like to," he said. "And let me add that we would supply you with food, water, shelter and much more. Living in that ice hole of yours must have been a nightmare."

"Yeah, but uh, could we have some time to think about it...?" asked Autumn politely.

"But of course." The man said smugly, as he left the room, leaving them to discuss their current situation.

Hunter turned to Autumn, surprised by her calmness, and bewildered by what she was implying. "Are you absolutely insane?!" he whisper-hissed. "What the hell is wrong with you, Autumn?! You can't really be considering this, right?" Hunter asked, eyes bright and questioning. "You realize that these people tried to kill us yesterday right? Or was it a week ago? Well, I probably would know if I wasn't kidnapped and tied to a freaking chair!"

"Well, do you realize that this is a way of gaining materials, food, and fresh water for once, right? When we've collected and regained our full strength, we can then escape."

"We don't even know these people! We just got freakin' kidnapped, Autumn! These are the kinds of people you run away from. Are you actually considering joining some random cause that, first of all, we don't know about? And second, we also don't know if these are good people at all. They could be listening to us right now! And what if they try to hurt us? What if they try to hurt you? I don't think I could live if you weren't with me, Autumn."

"You have to trust me on this one, Hunter."

Hunter closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He stopped struggling and faced his best friend, flashing her a small, emotionless smile. "You know what, Autumn? Fine. Just fine. I'll join the stupid force or whatever. I'll join the people who had us locked up in this creepy room. I'll join. Just know that if we die, it's all your fault."


"We have to do this, Hunter," said seven year old Autumn. "If we don't, then we'll regret it, and have to live with it for the rest of our lives." She looked at the river with bulging eyes as if it held the secrets to the universe.

"Are you crazy?! One missed step and you are off into the water somewhere in the middle of a different country!" yelped young Hunter, now in panic mode.

"Why are you so scared of taking risks, Hunter? That's the meaning of life for me, and if you don't do anything that involves risk, then you will get nowhere in life, or as my friend." Autumn knew exactly how to manipulate Hunter to do as she wished, and poor Hunter was so loyal to Autumn, he had no choice but to obey.

"Uggghhh, fine. Okay...whatever...," was all Hunter could say, sighing, "just remember in heaven that if we die, it's your fault, not mine." And with that, they crossed the narrow log that had rested on top of either side of the river bank.


"Yo, mystery dude!" Autumn shouted. "We have come to a consensus!" She kept on yelling until the tall, lanky man walked into the room once again.

"Never in my life have I heard a sound so foul," he grumbled, massaging his temples.

"I try," replied Autumn. "Ouch!" She yelped, rubbing her foot, right where Hunter had kicked her.

"Um, Mr. shady man, sir," Hunter started, "uh, we have decided that, uh, we'll join your, uh, cult, I-I mean organization."

The man chuckled. "First off, we are not a cult. Second, boy, I'm not so sure if what you just said was a question, or rather, an answer."

Autumn stepped in. "Um Mr. Man, that was an answer, but we still aren't sure if we can trust you. For all we know, you're a random dude that kidnaps children and eats them for lunch. I believe that's what my friend was trying to say," she said, cutting a glance to Hunter. "Right?"

Hunter choked, unsure what to say under Autumn's intense stare. "Yes, exactly."

The man laughed once again, and slowly pulled out of the shadows. Both kids stifled a gasp. He was a very handsome man. Well...kind of.

Half of his face was beautiful, gorgeous enough to attract all kids of attention, but the other half, not so much. It was scarred and burned, scar tissue hanging of his face in shreds. There was a long, deep gash from the tip of his left eyebrow to the side of his mouth, and a hollow space where his left eye would've been. It had also seemed like he had scars stacked up over scars, some fading, and some still fresh. The top of his head was a mess too, with some patches of hair missing. And the limp when he walked gave a clue as to what injuries he might've been hiding underneath. When the man smiled, it looked like a distorted grimace, as if he was smelling something foul.

"What happened to your face?" was all Hunter could say when he took in the man's rather abstract features.

"Well Mr. Fox, I'm afraid it's a pretty long story, and one I'm not sure you would want to hear. I suppose, however, that you'd want to get out of those chairs?"

"That'd be the first great thing to happen today," Autumn muttered.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then." And with that, the man untied their tied up hands and showed the way out of the claustrophobic room.

After a few minutes of silence, Hunter decided to pipe up. "Uh, sir? How come you're trusting us this easily? I mean, we only talked for like 2 minutes, and uh, we could possibly kill you."

Autumn snorted.

The man laughed. "I was once like you, young and naive, and I think I know just how your mind works. After all, I could kill you two before you even lift a finger." And with that, the pregnant silence came back until they reached a heavily padlocked door. "You probably want to close your eyes for this part," he said.

They shut their eyes, just as a flash of searing heat passed over them. Slowly, they peeled open their eyelids, discovering a place from their very own dreams.

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