Chapter 10 - Snow Petrels and Autumn Falling

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Autumn was sitting alone at the edge of their makeshift home, staring off intently into the distance. She was thinking of her life, tarnishing in front of her eyes. The thoughts of the possible outcomes of her own future plagued her dreams, oftentimes causing her to wake up in a cold sweat. Fortunately for her, Hunter slept like a hibernating bear, and she was spared from listening to his worried rants.

Autumn turned her gaze to a small snow petrel, a petite white colored bird, as it soared through the open skies. She wondered often how it would be like to be a bird, free and fast. Although, she thought it would be similar to her own situation; out in the open, able to dwell just about anywhere, but always chased by the predator.

The bird let out a menacing shriek, and glided towards the never-ending horizon. Autumn sighed deeply and slowly got up, roused from her thoughts. She made her way towards the cavern and found Hunter. She went up to him and gave him a great big hug, her earlier thoughts reminding her how lucky she was to have someone like him as a friend.

"What is this for?" he asked, surprised, Autumn's head reaching only to the shoulder of his tall figure.

"Ah wah ooh ooh ohh ah aheeah ooh," Autumn mumbled as she nuzzled her head deeper into his chest, muffling her response.

"Uhhh, repeat?" Hunter asked, truly confused.

Rolling her eyes, Autumn lifted her head and stared into his sparkling hazel eyes. "I want you to know I appreciate you," she slowly enunciated, as if she was speaking to someone that was hard of hearing.

A slow grin spread across Hunter's face, lighting up his eyes. "Oh yeah?" he whispered, bending down to tickle her stomach. The small area filled up with the sound of her giggles, bouncing throughout the room. "And what exactly have I done to earn your rare appreciation?"

Autumn looked up at him, a goofy smile plastered on her face. "Nothing," she sang. "I was just feeling generous."

Hunter laughed, a full belly laugh, one that she hadn't heard in a long time. He tightened his grip around her, his words rumbling through his chest. "I appreciate you too, Autumn." he confessed, the wall he put up around himself crumbling. "And I am truly thankful to God, who I guess is Theon or whatever-" Autumn snickered, "-that the one person there to take care of me and fight with me, is you."

She looked at his lovely face, full of emotion, and prayed that forever would be Autumn and Hunter, Hunter and Autumn. She went up on her tippy-toes and put her mouth close to his ear. "Yeah, I am great, aren't I?" she agreed, slipping out of his grasp before he could catch her.

She clubbed him in the face, hard, with a piece of snow, laughing as it fell slowly from his face.

He reached up with a hand and rubbed his face, clearing it of the ice. He grinned devilishly, "Oh, it is so on." He bent down, picking up a chunk of snow. He pelted it at her face, but she ducked down, watching it pass over her. She grabbed her own clump of snow and got up. They circled each other, armed with their very own ice ball.

Faster than you could say "chicken butt!", they threw the ice at each other, both hitting their intended target. Autumn's snowball hit Hunter in the chest, sending him back a step, while Hunter's hit Autumn square on the forehead, knocking her over. Before she could get up, Hunter flung himself on top of her, knowing full well that he had bested her.

"You can never beat me, the great Hunter Fox!" he exclaimed, grinning at her coyly.

"Oh yeah?" she asked as she kicked out Hunter's knee from under him, flipping them so she was on top, pinning Hunter down. "What about now?"

Hunter just laughed. "Of course you save your 'magic' to best me," he accused sarcastically. "I should've known."

Autumn smiled, her auburn hair falling over them, covering Hunter's face. Trying to clear his face of her own hair, she slipped, and with a grunt, landed flat on Hunter's chest. She looked at him impishly, cheeks burning.

Hunter, once again, laughed, enveloping her in a hug. "You never seem to stop falling for me, huh?" 

But she didn't respond, lost in her own thoughts, wondering if she ever had.

This is a short chapter (sorry!) but I looooove it! I wasn't really intending on making this a romance too, but hey...maybe i will ;)

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