Chapter 8 - Big Egos and Fresh Starts

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Autumn and Hunter materialized somewhere on a cliff that was about thirty feet above from the shimmering ocean. All their materials were piled in a stack off to the right of where they stood, speechless.

"Wow," shuttered Autumn

"Wow," continued Hunter.

"I just said that," Autumn gazed towards Hunter, still mind-bleached.


After a long silence, Autumn eventually chimed in "Sorry. About, uh, harassing your ego,"

"It's okay. And I'm sorry for almost choking you to death."

"It's fine." They stood there for a couple more minutes, thinking about their life decisions until they realized they still had to save their species. The wind front was going about 30 miles per hour, air maneuvering through their thickly woven jumpsuits. It was probably negative five degrees Fahrenheit, and they were beyond freezing.

"First things first, let's get organized." Hunter said as he spread the materials on the hard, icy floor. There were metal rods, wood planks, cloth that spanned thirty feet one way and sixty the other, a ninety-five foot long rope, and some scissors to cut it. The materials also included, three jackets, one of which would've been for Theon, fishing rods, a water filtration system, a pulley system, two shovels, a gallon bucket, three rolls of flex-tape, and even some insulator. Hunter also found some rotisserie chicken, at least five, some sushi, Chipotle, and a cart of rice.

"How did all of this stuff even fit in our room? That room was like, twelve by twelve feet and everything was just in one corner," commented Autumn.

"Theon probably gave us some extra material since he knew that we weren't gonna be with him. Geez, I can't even believe it. Theon's a freaking god!" Hunter exclaimed as he held up the metal poles to see how tall they were. About eight feet. Autumn walked to the edge of the cliff, sat down, and hung her head. Hunter saw her dismay and took a seat next to her, gazing at the blue sky.

"What's wrong?"

Taking a deep breath, Autumn turned to him whispered, "Sorry, it's just been so much to handle; first the fight between us two, which rarely happens, then the surprise that Theon can actually speak, and now he's gone. It's been rough out here but this is too much. How do you deal with it Hunter? How?"

"Autumn, the only reason I've made it this far is because of you. We have to live in the harshest conditions, something that no fourteen or fifteen year old should ever have to face, and yet, we still survive. If you ever need any comfort, just come and ask, and we can talk and hug and talk some more. But just know that you're never alone, okay?" Surprised by the empathy and honesty in his voice, she leaned into Hunter and hugged him as hard as she could, which might have broken a rib or two.

"Thank you," she whispered.


After their very emotional conversation, the kids started to build their new home. They found a cavern about five minutes from where they first appeared. Hunter gathered up the four metal poles and stuck them throughout the entrance, draping the long cloth over them, creating a closing. Autumn scavenged around the area, and found some drift wood to get a fire going. Together, they piled the sticks up and used the fire starter that Theon provided to create a small flame.

Once they had taken all the materials from outside to the shelter, they wrapped themselves up in some extra cloth that was left over. They went to the small bed-like thing they had created, right next to the fire, and laid down. They held each other close, unsure of the future before them.

"Now what do we do?" whispered Autumn, her breath heavy, expression dazed.

"Now we build. We make a bigger home and we go and save Theon." Hunter was tired, hungry, and cold. But he wanted to do something. He wanted to rescue Theon so he could go back to their old ways.

He remembered the times when Autumn would tell him a really bad joke and he would get cramps from laughing so hard. And when they would go out to get some terrible food, they would eat while telling stories of the years past, the ones that were shared between them hundreds of times. When they used to go to sleep with a smile on their face because they knew that no one knew them and no one ever would.

But at that moment, probably half the B.A.W.W.E. was scouting for them. Looking under crevasses that shouldn't be looked under. Over dunes and in caves. Ones much like their own. And these people had only one thought in mind. To kill them.

That's a "dun dun dunnn" moment if i've ever heard one. Ha. Sorry this chappie is so short, but the next one will certainly make up for it! Anyyyyways...thoughts?

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