Chapter 5 - Flying Superstitions and Tasty Delicacies

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"Whoa," the kids jabbered, in complete and utter awe. In front of them was a forest, full of evergreen trees and luscious grass. After more than three years of nothing but snow, it was all they could've ever wanted.

"This could all be yours," the mysterious man remarked, gazing up at the beautiful morning sky.

"What's the catch?" Autumn asked.

"Nothing but your complete and utter loyalty to our cause," the man replied coyly.

"What exactly is your cause?" Hunter questioned. "All you've said was that you have some sort of force and you want to us to join it. You haven't really explained what it is or why you would want us to join it. And most importantly, we don't even know who you are."

"You guys don't know?" the man asked.


"Not a clue."

"Really?" he asked.

The kids glanced at each other. "Nuh-uh," replied Autumn.

"Seriously?" More blank stares. "I'm the President of the B.A.W.W.E.!" he exclaimed, dejected.

Hunter and Autumn turned to each other, shocked. "Ohhhhhhhhh."

They looked back at the man, who they knew as Caldwell Robertson, President of the British Association of World War Eight.

Whoa, they both mouthed to each other. They had been hearing reports of the man invading countries, the man creating the British Empire once again.

"And I must say," Caldwell chimed, snapping them out of their thoughts, "my cause is not like what they say in the reports. We believe in fairness and honor, and the lands we take into our possession get there through treaties and understanding." The kids glanced at each other, not believing a word he was saying. "My cause started when I was a child," he started, his voice growing louder. I always believed that England should be superior, ever since the fall of America." He turned and started to pace. "I started the B.A.W.W.E. because I knew that the Earth's peace would collapse soon enough, and of course, I was right.

"I also knew that there would be a war, because prior to the incident, the intense calculations I completed showed me data saying that Antarctica wouldn't be affected. And I was right again!" He turned to them once more, and they both caught a glimpse of the maniac underneath the composed man. "My cause is the thing that will save the world, and I want you in it because of what you are!" he shrieked. He looked down and smoothed out his black suit. "And for the record, I am not crazy, just passionate," he quietly added.

"And what exactly are we Mr. Robertson?" Autumn asked, confused.

Caldwell's eyes glistened. "The saviors."


"Hey Autumn, look at that bird in the top left corner," said Hunter, pointing at a nest at the top of a tall birch tree. Caldwell had left the area, letting the friends think about their next decision. Autumn looked up at the small black bird, flying swiftly out of the branches.. "It's in a loop," Hunter said. "That's a mechanical term for going over and over again."

"I know what a loop is, Hunter."

"Sorry. Every seventeen seconds, it takes the exact same path out of its nest."

"Maybe it's superstitious about odd forces that might affect its flying?" Autumn tried.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "No, dummy, this whole thing is programmed to look like a real forest. It's not real. And anyways, why would anyone waste this much space if they're going to war for it?"

"True. So what should we do?"

"I'm thinking of getting out of here as soon as we have what we need."

"And what is it, exactly, that we need, Hunter?"

"How am I supposed to know? You're the one who told me to join this cult because of the thing that 'we need'!"

"Yeah, I guess," murmured Autumn. "But..."

Hunter looked into Autumns eyes, a silent conversation passing between them.

"Alright," Autumn finally agreed. "Just let me get some information first, okay?"

"Fine." Hunter was worried for her, but he knew she could fend for herself. The girl was an absolute beast.

Autumn and Hunter together walked out of what they knew was the artificial room and met Caldwell in the hallway. They were then led into a cafeteria, the smell inside so breathtaking that they both started to drool. There was shark fin soup, log cake, and even an almost 1,200 year old 2018 Jawbreaker collection that was showcased in the middle of the circular room.

"Help yourselves to anything we have in stock, 'cause this will be your only chance to come here this week," explained Caldwell. "You will both be placed in the special ops officer category, for you children have showed extraordinary skill in the field. You will have daily training rounds around the border and when you are needed you will be called up for assistance.

"You want us to work for you and eliminate any threats that might take action to hurt your kingdom," interrupted Autumn. "but we're still considered your 'saviors'? This is slavery! Not to mention that we're literally teenagers!"

"You will learn to like it, and not to interrupt me when I'm talking." Caldwell smiled. "You will be able to come here once a week and rest, other than when under certain circumstances."

"The certain circumstances being...?" Autumn once again interjected.

"When human civilization on our front is being attacked by another hostile party."

"Cool..." Hunter looked around spying for Chipotle. He spotted the restaurant in between a Chinese and Catalerian restaurant, looked at Autumn apologetically, and then bolted.

"Enjoy," Caldwell said, stretching an arm out as if offering the room.

"Thanks." And with that, Autumn found herself running up to the sushi stand.

As soon as the kids departed from the Caldwell, a map inspector ran up to him, briefing him with the recent news. "Sir, Africa has just splintered into thousands of pieces."

"Good. Now we can hope that one will float here and give us more property to expand on." Caldwell replied. With a glance at the two new recruits, he swiftly made his way back to his commanding post, and politely accepted a few Sir!s from wandering officers.


Once Hunter and Autumn had satisfied their stomachs with everything they could put into their mouths, and had managed to fill their pants and shirts with little delicacies as well, they were greeted by a low ranked soldier, who escorted them to their rooms.

"Your clothes are inside your room laying on top of each of your beds," he said. Once inside, the man turned and added in his deep, crackly voice, "These will be your rooms for the rest of your, um, stay."

"Thanks." The two of them sat down on their bed and examined their new clothes. Hunter, now thirsty, walked up to the door, about to go find someone to direct him to some water, when the door closed with loud CLICK!, certainly engaging the locking mechanism. 

Hmm, Caldwell seems kinda fishy, don't ya think?

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying :D

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