Chapter 1: Vowl of silence.

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Warnings: cursing, probably incorrect spelling, blood/gore (later on).

This story is dedicated to one of my best friends, Sunny, and my other best friends for sticking with me. This is for all of you ^-^.

Word count:  922


In a middle of a country like area stood a house, it was modernly made, looking amazing as it stood, acres on acres of land stood around it.

In the house, lights lit it up, as the sun set in the distance, it was a nice scene, would make anyone who likes nice sights smile.

Inside the house, on the second floor, stood 4 rooms, one a bathroom at the start of the hall, and three bedeooms at the end of the hall, two opposit sides of the other, and one in the middle of the two.

On the first floor, there was a staircase leading to the second floor, the bathroom was behind the stairs, for the people downstairs, there was a kitchen which was to the left of the front door when entering, and to the right was a living room, going into the kitchen, if you continued through it you'd reach the dinning room, which led to a game room for game nights, which then lead to the living room.

On one of the sides of the rooms, the left side, a light was able to be seen from under the door frame, which barely reached to the ground.

Inside the room, quick tapping could be heard, and the room looked like a virtual reality area, holograms of game stats all over the room, and a holographic orb like thing sat in the middle of the room, a computer sat in the opposit end of the toom, along with dressers, a small hung up bookshelf with books, bedstands next to the bed, with other normal things you'd find in a bedroom.

If you looked carefully, you could see a figure of a 15 year old male sat there, glaring intensely at the screen as he continued to type quickly, it was obvious he was focusing.

A headset sat next to him, but he never used it to speak, not even a single time had he used it to talk.
He was too focused he didn't even hear a knocking on his door, when his screen beeped, he gained access to who knows what.

He almost yelled out a "yes!" But, he stopped himself, closing the computer top when he was surprised by a voice that called out "Alem!" With banging on his door, Making him jump in surprise.

his chair tipped over and he felt his head hit the ground, it hurt quite a bit when the pain from hitting his head on the ground rose up.
You could hear the thump from him hitting the ground a mile away if you feel like being over dramatic, but it was loud.

The door was quickly opened, reminding Alem he didn't lock his door, and quickly a female stumbled over to him, she had normal black hair, with red highlights in it, a shirt on that is completely black, with the words "let me sleep" in white, the shirt had some rips in it, but more design then revealing, they have a gray tank top underneath.
In her eyes are dark red contacts, which honestly would of looked cool if it was not so out of place without the dyed red highlights in them.
She had on black pants with rips in them that were there for design, and no shoes on.

This girl is Alena, Alems twin in birth, but in looks, she changed them so much neither looked like twins to give herself a sense of identity without him being seen as her twin, it kind of hurt at first, but soon he stopped caring, let her do what she wanted, it wasn't up to him.

"Are you alright, Alem?" Alena questioned in worry, it was obvious she knew he wouldn't reply, he stopped talking a long time ago, but she still wanted to ask.

Alem just signed in reply "I'm fine." He only talked in american sign language when he first learned to at 7, he knew what he was told, and he was forced to promised to follow it.

In all honesty though, he had a huge headache by the fall, it actually hurt somehow.
But, he'd be fine, a headache wont kill him.

Alena lended a hand to Alem, shaking her head, sighing in annoyance.
"You know I don't speak sign language." Alena mumbled in annoyance, Alem rolled his eyes and picked up a notebook, and pen from his desk, writing [I'm fine] and showed it to Alena.

Alena just rolled her eyes, mumbling "still wished you'd stop pulling the mute act," and walked off, closing the door behind her.
Honestly, Alem was kind of hurt by what she said, he knew she cared, and in her own way showed it, but, it hurt because it felt insensitive.

Alem sighed, picking up his chair, and fixing his room up, making sure his computer was set off, and required a password to log in, he went to the door, opening it and walking out.


This is it for the first chapter, hope you all enjoyed, I suggest checking out the stories I put in the reccomended reading list because they're really good, and I enjoyed them. ^-^

Other then that, let me know if you notice any spelling mistakes, and tell me what you think!

Read on, my friends!
Core, out!

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