Chapter 11: It wont be that easy to kill me.

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Warnings: None really except spelling mistakes and cursing.

Are you all ready for this last part? Because I am, this'll be the first story I have ever finished, and I'm halfly proud of it, and halfly hoping it wasn't the worst thing you've ever read..

Anyways, hope this was fun, because I enjoyed writing this, enjoy the last chapter.

Word count: 568


Mollie sat in her bed, arm covering her eyes before shd shot a glance at the roughed up person in her room, sitting on a seat, their eyes glassed over, and they looked dazed.

"Luka, you look horrible, you need rest." Mollie stated, standing up from her bed, and going over to Luka, grabing her arm and helping Luka to her bed carefully.

"You would've died from that, had I not gotten your ass out of there, and you're one of my best friends, I demand you rest." Mollie spoke sternly before turning to her computer, typing away a message to her employer, stating she wont be able to finish the animation project for them today due to an unexpected turn of events.

And it was, has your friend ever burned down a whole mansion in one day eithout meaning to, killing a lot of people, only after losing one person they cared about?

Mollie could officially state that hers did now.

But, that didn't matter.

"It wont be that easy to kill me." Luka stated, before closing her eyes, making Mollie sigh as she turned to Luka.

"I am well aware you wont die that easily, but god damn it Luka, you almost died!" Mollie spoke, raising her voice at the end to show her frustratedness, she was truely terrified for her friend when she saw the building burning down.

"And Alem did die!" Luka shouted at Mollie, her eyes had tears in her eyes as she laid back down.

Mollie stood up, yelling "I don't want to lose my sister figure! Look, I'm sorry Alem died, but you can live for him instead of drowning in self pity!" Before sitting back down.

Both sat in an uncomfortable and dreadful silence before Luka spoke up again.

"Mollie, I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled.." Luka spoke but Mollie just shook off the appologies, saying "you're fine, you have a right to be pissed. And upset."

Mollie turned to Luka, grabbing a blanket from a stool that she used as an extra, covering Luka up and hugging Luka.

Mollie viewed Luka as a sister, so, she was relieved when she heard that Luka had found someone she liked, and, was relieved when Luka was alright, but...

Mollie felt horrible that her friend lost someone she loved, and decided she'd always be there for Luka, from now on.

"Now, rest, I don't want to come in here tomorrow to a sleep deprived Luka." Mollie spoke, before moving towards the light switch and shutting it off, mumbling a "love you sis." And closing the door, moving to the living room couch to sleep in somewhat peace.


And that's the last part to the cannon ending of my story "Life is a game." This was fun to write! And, please, let me know your opinions on it, I don't care if they're old or new, I 'll try to read them all the same.

Hope you all enjoyed, and read on to the next story my friends!

Core, out!

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