Chapter 2: Games don't suck.

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Warnings: cursing, probably incorrect spelling, blood/gore (later on).

This story is dedicated to one of my best friends, Sunny, and my other best friends for sticking with me. This is for all of you ^-^.

Word count: 777 


Alem stared at the dinning room table, it was almost normal enough, his mom, dad, and sister were there, but, they were all talking to a man he never met before, and the table was full of amazing food, usually they never bothered to make a good meal because everyone would stay quiet and once done with their food get up and leave, not saying a word.

Alem could see their black cat come out from their hiding spot, named Altec, Alect is a good cat, likes to hang out with other people, and was a very social cat. Altec moved from his spot to his food bowl, eating the food there, he seemed happy with it.

Alem slid the seat he'd usually sat in, by his sister Alena, and mother Alissa. Alem's father, Maxwell, always sat next to Alissa. 

(The setup is like this:

Alena  Alem

Nobody                           Alissa

????? Maxwell  )

Alem sat and listened to them talking, they talked most about business, while Alena talked more about her own things, such as her part time job as a hairdresser, and how she wanted to become a guitarist.

"As interesting as this is..." The man said, before turning to Alem.

"Who is this young man?" The man stated, motioning towards Alem.

Alem's mom looked towards him, she obviously was surprised he was here, while his dad just waved his hand dismissively, saying "That's Alem, he lives here."

Alem's mom just shook her head tiredly, sighing.
"And our son, and Alissa' brother." Alissa added, she was obviously not in the best mood anymore.

"I see..." The man said, standing up he moved next to Alem, he held his hand out, and Alem took it, shaking the mans hand.

"Hello Alem, I'm a buisness partner of you're mother and father, the names Flint Levine. It's a pleasure to meet you." The man, now known as Flint, stated.
Alem just nodded, he knew his manners, and signed "it's nice to meet you to" with a blank face, of course, Alem ment no disrepsect, so he decided to put on a small smile to, though it screamed fake.

Flint moved back to his seat, and lunch continued as a somewhat normal family, people actually talked, sure, Alissa tried to speak to Alem when possible, and Alem signed back to her his answer.

His father more talked only when required to, it was to Flint, and at first glance you could think they were friends, as Flint acted genuinely nice, while his father acted more fake.

Flint tried to talk to Alem more, and soon Alem realized he didn't know sign language, so he started to use notepad and a pencil, while his sister talked to their mom and dad more so about things she liked.

Then, the question from Flint is what made the table go silent.

"How do you feel about games?"
It was a question to all, and everyone had their mixed oppinions, which is what worried Alem wuite a bit.

"Oh, games? I never have time for them, so I dunno." Alena stated, as she continued to work on a drawing she was making.
"I'm more interested in things such as art, a game is wasting time, art is something that isn't wasting time, it stays there, while a game data can be deleted so easily."

Next, Alems father responded, saying things like "games are a bunch of crap that wont earn you anything then wasting life."

Alem's mother was the more understanding, saying "I don't mind them, if kids like them, they should be freee to do as they please as long as it's safe."

Last, it was Alems turn, his mother looked at him eith curiosity, while his father got back to doing whatever he pleased, and his sister was half paying attention.

Alem grabbed his notebook, and started to write, before showing it to Flint.
"Games are not crap, but more a hobby and pass time, it's fun to play,and gives people a good chance to work with others and socialize."
It was his true thoughts, it's what made games so special to him, other then the fact that games are fun for him to play.
He loved games.


This is the second chapter of the series, hope you all liked it.
Make sure to check out the recommended stories in my reading list, they're really good! ^-^

Again, I hope you all enjoyed, let me know if I made any spelling mistakes, and how you think of the story so far!

Read on, my friends!
Core, out!

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