Chapter 10: I'm Sorry.. My friend.

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Warnings: Blood/violence, cursing, and most definitely incorrect spelling.

Right, I'm excited for this chapter, as I'm never going to write Luka like this again, but. This is how she will become silent and tries to avoid making friends.

Guessing that makes it too obvious what'll happen, but, we'll have to read oncto know for sure!

Word count: 1002


Luka stomped down the halls quickly, not caring, or realizing, how loud she was being, she was too pissed off to care, not even knowing she was breaking all the rules she made as a vigilante.

1. Be silent, don't let yourself be found before you find them.

2. Don't let your guard down.

And the most inportant rule.

3. Don't let emotions blind you're judgement.

Luka had acknowledged she liked Alem a long time ago, she thought it was quite obvious, and it didn't bother her that she liked her best friend.

But, Luka didn't realize how much it'd hurt to find out you're friend was not actually mute, and, in a way, was lying to her by not saying he wasn't mute.

It hurt a lot, the feeling of being betrayed by someone you like, no, loved, it hurt, a lot.
Maybe that's why Luka was going through new emotions she never felt before.

But, Luka didn't care, all she could think about was why Alem didn't tell her. It was obvious that when Alem was kidnapped, something happened to force hin to go voluntarily mute.

But what, and why didn't he atleast let her know he wasn't mute? Luka would find it out, she was Striker for fucks sake.
But, how long would it take for her to be able too?

And, would it hurt her friendship with Alem..? That thought made her freeze.
Luka still loved Alem, she could tell she did, and, she didn't want to lose her only friendship with him by her own stubborness in finding out the truth.

Should Luka even try? Probably, she felt like she should.
But, why would she when she'd risk losing her only friend..?

A clicking sound, sounded out in the quiet like hallway now, getting Luka to look up and see the barrel of a gun, and the sound of footsteps sounding out behind her.

The person that held the gun make a sound with sounded most likely a grunt of annoyance, and Luka was too shocked to move at point blank range.

The sound must have been the safety, it was clicked off.

And she didn't realized that she was shoved away from the gun, and falling backwards, or the sound of firing, before she hit the ground.

Looking forward, her eyes widened in horror at the sight, the woman that was shot by her was her fault, and now, Luka felt this was too.

Alem fell to the ground, a bullet wound th at went theough his shoulder, probably around where his heart was, it was most definitely too close to his heart, dangerously close.

Once the horror left her, ahe felt blank, nothing, it was as if the whole thing hadn't set in yet.
Alem almost died.

Once Luka realized that, her rage set in as she stood up, almost shakily, and yelled out, "you bastard!" And punched the man square in the stomach, her srm enveloped in flames.

A flaming punch, which burned through his skin and clothes, that'd definitely scar.
Luka didn't care if the person was knocked out or not as she moved to Alem, picking hin up and holding him on her lap, his skin was turning cold, and he was growing pale.

"A-alem..." Luka spoke shakily, her voice was covered with pain, which it was obvious as to why.

The one person she loved and cared about was shot, and was dying, and she had no way to help.

His eyes slowly cracked open, as he shot a glance at the person she had hit down, before chuckiling slightly, it was full of stress and pain.

"Gues swe both have our secrets..." Alem rasped out, his words seeming to grow more silent at the end, and making Luka state, "save your energy. You'll be fine."

Alem just shook his head, his eyes slowly inched closer to being completely closed.
"We both know that I'm-"

"Shut up and rest!" Luka interrupted Alem, not wanting to accept it, she still wanted to tell him, Luka had to tell him.

Alems eyes fully closed, his last words slipling out as his eyes closed, "I'm sorry... My friend... I'll always love you." And his eyes closed, his body limp, and the blood pooling out slowly.

His body was cold, and pale, as he went limp in her hold, the person she had loved had died in her arms...

"ALEM!" Luka cried out in pain, her energy had completely gone haywire at the sight of watching Alem die, knowing she could of done something.

And yet she didn't, and this was all because of her petty annoyance.

Her ability went out of her control at that point, flames flowing out of her body freely, setting the mandion alight on fire, and the screams of horror and pain from the people in there could be heard, but, not as clearly as Luka's would be.

The people who escaped befor eit happend watched the mansion burn down, before finally collapsing from the stress, in horror, if they hadn't gotten out, then they'd be...

They just watched on though, never knowing what could of happened if they just called for help that time.

Nor would they know that Flitz died in the fire aswell.


Right... This is part of the cannon ending of the story, where the main character, Alem, does indeed die.

I feel like it's obvious what'll happen, and it feels kinda cliché on how I'm going to end this, but, I decided that this story wil be ended in the next chapter.

But, don't touch that dial folks!

And read on, my friends!

Core, out!

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