Chapter 8: Why are we here exactly?

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Warnings: cursing (not in this chapter), blood/gore (not in this chapter), incorrect spelling (yeah..)

This story is dedicated to my friends such as F.S.S., and to anyone who reads this, it may not be the best, but, it is fun to write.

Word count: 1024


Alem sat in the classroom as they tought, it was a day or so since the whole kidnapping thing, and Alem had no idea how to out Flitz for what he's done.

Flitz has a whole company on his side, can get the best of the best to defend him, and, also has Flint on his side.

While Alem's father could get the company put down, that was only because they had evidence against Flint, Alem doesn't have proof, all he is, is a witness without proof.

Sure, Alem could pull the "I'm the victim" card, but, Flitz could just say that Alem is "targeting him because his father made him" or something like that.

He needed proof, for proof, Alem needed to catch Flitz in action, and, he most likely can, Flitz talked about how he was "the first of many" or something like that.

After school, Luka ran up to him, after Alem informed her of all that happened, except for being sucked into a literal game, that would make him seem insane, Luka started to help hin out.

"Got anything?" Alem signed, and he wasn't disappointed.
"Yup, a friend of mine found out he's hosting a party, if you're right, then his next target is going to be there." Luka stated, a small smirk starting to form, she seemed to be enjoying this now.

"I got us both tickets to get in." Luka spoke, holding them in the air, waving them around.

"What?! No! You can't come!" Alem signed, but he could tell she wasn't going to quit so easily.

"And why not?" She asked, it was obvious she wasn't going to give up so easily.
"I got us these tickets, and I'm also very helpful."

"If they find out you're somehow involved, they you'l be in trouble to." Alem signed back to her, he was trying to reason with her, but he doubted it'd work.

"All the more reason for me to come. Because what if they find you? They're going to want to know how you even got in, I barely got these myself with my friends help! And she's pretty well known." Luka spoke, walking forward now, she was ending this conversation.

"Also, it'd be a waste to put all her hard work to get even two tickets to waste." Luka spoke, handing Alem one ticket and walking off.

"Just great..." Alem mumbled, his voice sounded odd because of how little he used it.

Walking off towards his home, he just decided he'd have to figure out how to make this work.

*Larry is here for a time skip! Let's give him one!*

Alem stood outside the huge building infront of him, it was a mansion, that much was obvious, and it's a fancy one.

Luka trudged up to him, wearing a black dress, with gray dress shoes, she had in her hair a black and gray rose, it was fake.

"I regret deciding to come." Luka groaned out, one thing to put on theist of dislikes for Luka.

Alem just wore a tuxedo with a top-hat and glasses on so he wouldn't be recognized.

"Let's head in." Alem signed to her, they'd be in no way able to contact eachother once inside.

Once they got in, after handing their tickets to the guard, Luka just spoke up, saying "let's enjoy ourselves while we look around." And ran off, maybr to a food table or something, Alem just listened to music with ear buds while looking around.

There was so many people here, all in dressware, which was kind of the point of a party, especially with a man who was rich.

Sometimes Alem ran into people, nodding his head as greeting before walking off, the further he got without talking, the more some people came up trying to talk to him, which he just stood there and listened before walking off, he felt really awkward.

At some point, someone was able to catch him, repeatedly asking rude questions like "why don't you want to speak to us?" And, "are you deaf?" She was annoyed at him to the point she repeatedly asked questions.

Finally, his savior came, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him away, saying "he's mute."

"Thanks, Luka." Alem signed, which got her to smile at him, "it's no problem."

Suddenly, a ringing sounded out, getting everyone to turn to the person who was making the sound.


He was holding a glass cup, lightly tapping it with a fork, calling out.
"Everyone, calm down now, I must make an announcement!"

Everyone looked at him as he continued to speak.

"First off, I'd like to thank you all for coming to this great party, set up by yours truely." He spoke, pointing to himself before continuing, putting down the cup he held.

"I must say, it's great to see you all here, old- and new- friends of mine, I'd like to announce to you all about a new project we are working on, called "Project. B3t6" of course, it's not working out as great as we'd hope, we need volunteers, so..." Flitz spoke before, holding something up, every guard there did the same thing.

"Would you all please come with me?" He spoke as a banging sound rang out, and all panic started out with people runing, the banging sound continued, which was loud, continuiusly made him flinch and hold his hands to his head.

A bang ran out again, and a scream rang out, that's when Alem realized it was guns they had, and they just shot someone.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter that I made, I do enjoy writing these, and it's the most chapters I've ever made in one series of a story.

Anyways, please let me know if I made any spelling mistakes.

And read on, my friends!

Core, out!

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