Chapter 5: Into the game world

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Warnings: Cursing (not a lot), blood/gore (No, but there is violence), incorrect spelling (most definitely)

Hello everyone who is reading this, I hope you all enjoy this chapter of the series, if you notice any incorrect spelling, please let me know.

This story is dedicated to all my friends, such as F.S.S., who created the image above. ^-^

Word count: 1103


Alem stood in his room, quiet and alone.
It was peaceful, but to the point it was annoying, luckily, it was a saturday.

Getting up from his bed, he moved to the computer, the ringing in his ears went silent as he turned on the computer, the sound from it blocking out the ringing.

Soon enough, he was able to log onto a game he played, putting on his headphones, and turning the sound on, leaving the wretched silence behind him.

Alem played the game as hours on hours passed by, only sound that could be heard outside his headphones was his hands tapping on the computer keyboard as he focused.

Then, the least he expected to happen was for his character to be grabbed, this is impossible to happen, as it's not made into the game yet.

So, he decided the person who grabbed his character was hacking.

Let's give them a piece of their own medicine. Was his thoughts as he quickly started to type into the command bar, it was a no clip thing, and was able to free his character, turning it around, he saw an avatar he never saw before.

Was it even a character in a game? No, it wasn't, in fact, it looked like a normal player.

In his shock, and derp in thoughts, he didn't realize a hand grabbed him, as in Alem himself, and pulled him in, as he hit the sand grouns he stared around in horror when he realized that he wasn't in his room anymore

He was in the game.


Luka knocked on the door of Alem's house, she was rather bored today, and Alem and her became good friends.

So, in her defence, she thought Alem would enjoy her company.

The door slowly opened, and in the door fram stood a girl who honestly looked like a goth, though, Luka wouldn't judge, she was raised better then to be rude for no reason.

"Yes? And no, we aren't going to buy girl scout cookies." The girl said, which made Luka sweatdrop, really?

"I'm not here to sell cookies, I'd rather eat them then share." Luka said, it was honest, and she felt like honesty would work okay here.

"Then why are you here? You know this is the Grand household, right?" The girl said, putting emphasis on the name Grand.

"Yes, I'm here to see my friend, Alem." Luka stated, she was honestly confused now, did Alem not mention her to them.

"Sorry, nice try, but last I checked, Alem never mentioned having any friends." The girl sgated, she looked at Luka with suspicion, but, Luka stared back with a blank expression, hiding her hurt.

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