Headcanon 23 1/2

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How do they feel/act around children? (This is the scale of 11-0, 11-4 being kid, 3-0 being baby)(Requested by @Malex134 )

Because he was the youngest of his group, he knows how it's like to feel left out from the group, so when he sees a kid sitting alone or crying because they're not getting played with, he'd be there to help them feel better and play a game of ball with them- or, whatever they can play.
When it's babies, he thinks they're gross and annoying and wants absolutely nothing to do with them.

He does have a way with kids. Maybe it's because they're at the same reading level. Maybe it's because he's so funny. Maybe it's because he tells great stories.  Either way, he'll definitely fit in with them as the "cool guy that hangs out at the museum" or the "fun substitute teacher at the library".
Babies, if it was to be his, he'd bring it with him everywhere- well, besides the battlefield of course.

Pyro loves kids! But... kids don't love them. ): When they do find that one child that isn't afraid of them, they are really able to be themselves. They'd talk to the kid about their candyland, and the child can tell them about their dreams, too. It ends up to be like an older sibling/younger sibling relationship.
Babies. To be fair, we have no idea, nobody trusts them enough to bring their baby around them, or whenever their is a baby in the room, we have to pull Pyro out of it before the thing starts crying like a maniac...

He's the cool uncle. He'd always fix up a kid's toy if they needed it, he'd play a song for them on the guitar if they're feeling sad, and play card games with them if he had the chance.
He's the world's best dad. Around babies, he's just, like, perfect. It's strange knowing this because he murders people for a living, but hey, even killers have a soft side, I guess.

Because he is older than all 3 of his sisters, he knows very well how children and babies are. He tends to act the same way he did around his sisters, like a big brother to them. It's very very wholesome.

Bro kids absolutely LOVE this guy, but he does not. They keep asking- or as he says- pestering him about the how he got an eye patch, and then the ones that are actually not annoying just like seeing him when he's drunk, cause that's when he does the funny dances.
Babies are a big no-no when he's drunk, but when he isn't, he can tolerate them. He doesn't hate them or love them.

You'd be surprised to know that he actually doesn't like children. They distract him, they're loud and hard to take care of. He has yet to meet one that doesn't piss him off somehow.
Don't get me started.

Because some of them know he goes hunting a lot, they ask him if they can either 1., go with him, or 2., have a nerf gun battle. He's always down to a nerf gun fight and tries his hardest not to obliterate these little kids, but only rarely will he actually turn it down. Hunting, on the other hand, he only lets the quiet kids that can handle themselves go with him. It's rare, yes, but it does occasionally happen.
He's okay with babies, as long as their 10 feet sway from him.

Fuck em

Update sorry for forgetting Heavy omfg that was  a huge mistake fuck

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