Headcanon 25

882 15 12

Which merc is most likely to read you a bedtime story, and if so, what is it about?

No i will not read you a bedtime story, you're an adult for fucks sake
Scout, Spy

Soldier will read you a book about history
Pyro would read you the Hans Christian Anderson's stories
Engineer would read you Little House on the Prairie
Heavy (after a lot of convincing) would read you anything you'd like
Demoman (after a few beers) would read you some stupid kids book to try to make him stutter as much as possible because it's so goddamn funny to see him trying so hard
Medic would read you the first thing he could pick up, so, anywhere between some sort of book on anatomy, mathematics, or poetry, and then you can possibly luck out when he just plays the violin instead and you listen from another room. Trust me, it's very beautiful.
Sniper would make up shit as he went along, resulting in the opposite of sleep, but staying up all night coming up with weird psychedelic bullshit that hurts your brain to think about

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