Dc superhero boys

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You and the Superhero girls are looking around for the people who place paintings all across the city. Jessica then made binoculars to look from afar at the Daily Planet. The girls are completely angry.

(Y/N): Sooo What are we looking at?

Jessica: Just like the others. We've got a tagging crew on our hands.

Karen: That's six so far. They're spread all across the whole city.

Zee: And now they've defaced Metropolis' most iconic landmark.

Diana: Vile fiends. We Amazons recognize when a rival clan intends to invade.

Kara: Yeah! Creeping in on our turf?

Darcy: Not cool!

Kendra: no buenos matones

Koriand'r: Not cool at all!

(Y/N): It looks like it's in a pattern. but why? Usually taggers are random but each time it's the same picture.

Jessica: That part we're not sure of.

Babs then take Jessica's binoculars.

Babs: Not on our watch. Unless my bat-sleuthing skills deceive me, these tags seem to be appearing at specific times in specific places. If I can just triangulate these coordinates, we'd be able to predict where the crew is gonna strike.

Karen then shows the exact spot for the next tag.

Karen: Metropolis Shipyards.

Babs: Touche, Bumblebee. Touche.

Karen: Which is in...

Karen then screams and gulps from the sight of the location. Later, at the location.

Kara: Sinister Slum.

Jessica: It's seedy.

Zee: It's filthy.

Karen: It's scary.

Darcy: It's gross.

Koriand'r: It's ville.

Kendra: It's Nasty.

(Y/N): It's like a rundown zoo with no animals.

Karen then got scared from a rat as Babs feels right at home.

Babs: It's just like back home...

Karen then got out her phone as Babs bumps into her.

Karen: We're here. And if my calculations are correct, the new tag should show up any second. Right in... here!

The girls then burst into the building and it was dark.

Babs: Uh... anybody see a light switch?

Then a shadow moves around them.

Karen: What was that?

Then they see 10 people in the room and it's too dark to see them.

Kara: Ooh, I'm so scared. Seriously, you guys, these punks are no match for--

Then something launched Kara into some boxes as everyone gasped.

Kara: I'm okay, I'm okay...

Diana: Prepare yourselves, sisters, and (Y/N) for these are no petty criminals. To battle!

Then they all fight each other for a while until Jessica uses a lasso to catch all of them.

Diana: Ah, the lasso. A wise choice.

Then a lantern construct of an axe appeared as it cut off the rope that Jessica made.

(Y/N): You were saying?

A predator in metropolis. ( DC superhero girls x male reader) *On hold for now.*Where stories live. Discover now