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Sorry everyone as you've probably already assumed this isn't an update. But I just wanna take the time to address on here that this is a topic we as a people should not be ashamed to discuss, no matter your race. I've been advocating on ever social media platform I have. I'm just getting around to this one because I have mainly just been using this app as an escape from the outside world as I get lost in the plot twists, cliffhangers, and love of all the books on here. But I recently just saw something on someone's story saying something like "if you believe that any one race is above everyone else then message me so I can block you because ALL LIVES MATTER". So you wanna know what my ass did? I made sure to send his ass a LONGGG ass paragraph & blocked his ass first! But because i feel like his post came from more of a place of ignorance than malice I just wanna throw out there that us saying "all lives wont matter until black lives do." Doesn't mean we think we matter more or that the rest are less significant. Actually the opposite we're saying that all lives cant matter until black ones do bc all means ALL! Not 75% not 89% not 95%, and not even 99.99999999999%. 100% and no less!!!

So until black lives matter all lives not only won't matter but can't matter.

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