1. My Life is Horrible

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Hey guys! If you're reading this, thanks!!! I've never written a book and comment if I should keep writing😘


My name is Kylie Rose Smith. This is the story of my life.
When I was 9 years old, I was told that I had cancer in my shoulder. Obviously it was bone cancer. I was in the hospital for the next week until they could find out if I was born with it, or not. I was born with it, but no one in my family had any history with cancer what so ever.

I still was a normal person, even though I had cancer. But not to most people. Almost everyone in my entire high school judged me because I had cancer. They said things like "stay away from Ky or you will get cancer!" Or "What's with her shoulder? I can see the cancer pouring out of it." Even my best friend (who's not really my friend anymore) was being mean. So yeah. I have like, two friends now.

And this is not like those cancer movies where everyone doesn't say anything about their cancer, and everybody acts like they don't have cancer, but for me, almost everybody that I know judges me. The only people who don't judge me are my parents. They help me out thorough my sore flushes of cancer, hospital trips and stuff like that.
But, I also in some ways hate them, like forcing me to go to school, and I know that that's good parenting, but for real, school sucks. Apparently they wanted me to "make more friends", which is like impossible and never going to happen at my school.

Then, something went a little bit wrong.

I woke up with a scream on that dreadful night. My mother ran in and yelled for my dad. He picked me and and then drove us to the hospital. I was put in an MRI.

When it was done and wasn't in screaming pain, the doctors told me that my cancer had spread into my whole arm and starting to go into my back. At that point I was afraid. What if I a die? What if my cancer takes over? What will happen? I already knew what I had to do. I have to email my favourite writer of all time, who wrote an amazing book that is now also a movie that I fell in love with.

Yes, it is about cancer. This book pretty much sums up my life; cancer, no friends, wishing I would meet someone, stuff like that. That's my boring life. Anyway the book is about these two people. One boy, named Augustus Waters who has cancer, and Hazel Grace Lancaster, who also has cancer. They experience this amazing journey together, but then something happens. It's called The Fault In Our Stars, written by John Green. You should read it if you haven't yet.

Okay, back to my reality life.

My parents said I should get outside instead of watching a movie. So I did as they said and decided to go to a park and meet one of my friends. She doesn't go to my school any more, and we've been friends forever, and know almost everything about each other. She stuck with me through it all.

We meet at the park and talked a bit. She does singing lessons and she said that her lessons were going good. She even sang a song. Wow, her voice is amazing. She is going to try out for a singing contest against other people that are in our city. Her name is Maia Marcs.
Then I had to go home because I had a meeting with a doctor. When I went home my mom said to grab my purse so after we could go shopping.

So yeah this was kinda short cuz it was a bit of an intro, but I'll keep updating and comment what you think this book will be about😘

Bye loves❤️


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