Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I stood there like a statue. Frozen. I didn't know what to do, I looked into his dark brown eyes then looked down hearing him whisper to himself as he leaned forward "no it can't be. She's not my type."

He walked back to the table where our friends were at. I sat opposite him and tried not look up at him. But I couldn't help but notice his handsome features  and his dark brown eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened I stared at my phone and  up multiple times and he did the same. "Why are those two so quiet." Jungkook whispered to jimin. I looked at jimin and he was staring at taehyung with a furious look on his face, I was confused but then looked down at my phone again.

The day was over we were all heading home when Seo Yeon ran up to me " Do you like him?"


"You know who, Taehyung. You both looked at each other like there's a connection."

"No way he's not my type." I answered immediately. "Tsk okayy see you in school! Byeeee" she said waving at me with a smile on her face. How cute. I waved back and walked to the bus stop and wait for my bus.


The bell ringed as I walked out of my science class. Seo Yeon came running to me and gave me a big hug. We walked to the cafeteria to get our lunch together, we found a spot, Seo Yeon sat opposite me and we started eating our food while talking.

Just then, "Yo ladysss!" Jungkook said carrying his food and sitting next to Seo Yeon. Taehyung banged his food on the table beside me and jimin sat on my other side. "So Saturday was fun right?" Jin asked we were all talking but taehyung was quietly eating his food with an emotionless expression on his face. He would look at me at times but I just ignored it. "Yah taehyung why are you so quiet? Weren't  you laughing and making jokes on our way here?"jungkook asked "nothing I'm just tired" taehyung shot back and everyone was staring at him.

Taehyung's face turned red as he stood up and stormed off. "I wonder what he's so embarrassed about." Jin said when I looked at him " He'll turn red and walk away when he's embarrassed around someone he likes."

"Dose taehyung like me? He said I wasn't his type though. "I asked my self many times until I was able to scrap that thought in my head.

The thought came back when our last class came. History. We had an up coming project we needed to do in pairs and we couldn't choose who to pair up with. " Soo Ah you'll go with Taehyung" my teacher called I turned around and saw taehyung smirked before turning back to his emotionless face and looked up at me turning red again, but this time he couldn't walk away. I smiled at him and quickly turned back to see jimin staring at us.

I looked away and class continued as per normal, just that it feels like someone's watching my from behind but I didn't want to turn around.

"Wanna go drink?" asked Jin to Jimin and Taehyung. They both nodded but immediately Jimin asked me and Seo Yeon if we wanted to tag along. We both agreed because we didn't have any plans after school that day.

Seo Yeon and I got into a car with Jimin and Taehyung while the rest got into another car. The ride to the place wasn't that far. We ordered a few drinks and played some games. The night was relaxing. Usually I don't drink too much alcohol but that night, maybe I just needed some alcohol and I drank too much I didn't control myself.

Taehyung's POV

"Let's play truth or dare. Who knows, we might find something interesting among us.." Jungkook suggested. He started off spinning the empty soju bottle first and the bottle landed on Jimin.

"Truth or dare?"

Jimin picked truth. "Do you like anyone here?" Jungkook asked. Jimin looked at Soo Ah and smirked at her then proceeded to answer the question. Deep down I was just furious.

"Hyun Soo Ah. I like her. I liked her from the very start." I just stared at Soo Ah waiting for her reaction. She just smiled back being too drunk. I
clenched my fist to hold my anger and jealousy.

"Yah. Look at this Taehyung again. He's being so quiet lately. What a party pooper." Jin added. "Guys let's just call it a day. You can see that Jimin and Soo Ah are obviously too drunk to continue this game. I'll bring them home. See you guys tomorrow in school." I said trying not to make things so awkward.

I led Jimin and Soo Ah into my car. I put Soo Ah in the passenger seat because Jimin was way too drunk. After I dropped Jimin off at his mansion and drove off to Soo Ah's apartment. Few minutes later, we reached her apartment but Soo Ah fell asleep. I just admired her beautiful features of her. I then carried her on my back to her apartment.

I carefully lay her down on her bed and tucked her in with her blanket. As I was about to leave, I hear Soo Ah mumble something.

"Wah.Taehyung is so cute. Hahahaha why would he want a girl like me. Pabo me." mumbled Soo Ah still in her drunk self. I turned around to see she woke up but still not aware of her surroundings. I walked towards her and sat on the edge of her bed. I stroked her hair and gave a peck on her lips.

"I don't know what I'm really feeling now too"


Hey guys! Thank you so much for the support! I hope you are enjoying this ff! More chapters to come soon! 💓

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