Chapter 6

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He looked up at me and nodded.

I was confused at his answer. "Yes? D-Did I say something wrong?" I added trying to understand.

He looked down and said "You suddenly came into my life and make me feel some type of feeling I've never felt before." I was just sitting there quietly after he explained what he really meant.

Does Taehyung like me? He clearly said the other time I wasn't his type.

He looked back up at me, "you know what never mind." His dark brown eyes just stared into mine. I didn't know what to say. I was speechless. I soon got hold of myself and snapped out. I looked away from him and continue eating my ice cream.

"Want me to walk you home?" Taehyung finally asked. I didn't know what to reply but I eventually just nodded. We were just walking side by side through the dark neighbourhood. He didn't say anything neither did I. I couldn't stand the awkward silence.

" you often hang out with girls?" I asked

"Nah. I mean I only hang out with them because I had no choice. They would do things just to convince me to hang out with them or drink with them." Taehyung answered. I just nodded.

Not too long, we reached my apartment. It was already 11:30 p.m that night.Taehyung looked so exhausted from the night, I wanted to offer him to sleep over at my place for the night.

" Hey. Er you look kinda tired. I don't mind if you stay the night here at my place. " I offered. He was hesitant at first but eventually said yes.

I brought him up to my apartment. I went to take a shower and get myself ready to sleep. After drying myself, I went to check on Taehyung only to see him already asleep on the couch. I put  a blanket over him gently. After that, I just admired him, sleeping soundly. Soon, I snapped and thought again to myself.

No. Soo Ah don't. You don't have any feelings for him. He's just a friend. That's all.Get hold of yourself Soo Ah. This is not you.

I got to bed and dozed off. Not Long later I woke up hearing an unpleasant sound coming from the living room. I walked out and taehyung was snoring loudly. He gave a loud sneeze and continued snoring, I walked up to him and tapped on his chest, "Yah. Your snoring too loudly" I looked at the clock "it's 3 in the morning, I can't sleep and there's school tomorrow."

I couldn't tell if  taehyung was awake because he was still lying on the sofa with one leg up not moving and still snoring. "Yaaaahhh" I said softly and he pulled me to his chest making me fall on him. "Shut up and sleep" he said and fell asleep again.
But I was on him this time.

After awhile, taehyung was sweating and panting hardly. "No no stop please don't STOP!" Taehyung shouted as he immediately sat up. I got off him.

"Please. Go away. Stop doing this to me. GO awayyyy!!!" Taehyung said again still sleeping, he was sweating all over.

"T-Taehyung. What's wrong? Taehyung.." I said softly as he rolled up into a ball on the couch. As if he was having a scary nightmare. "Taehyung... your scaring me... Tae-" before I could finish, he suddenly woke up and sat up. Breathing hard and sweating all over.

I pat him on his back calming him down. "Taehyung... what happen. Are you okay?are you sick?" I asked being concern. He just shook his head. But still breathing hard. I put his head on my shoulder as I calm him down.

"Mind to tell me what happen?" I asked not too long later after he calmed down.

"i-i... i just had a bad dream.." he said. Looking down. I nodded and asked if he was okay then. He nodded and I stood up to go back to my bedroom. As soon as I was about to walk away, Taehyung grabbed me by my hand and pulled me into his embrace. I was shocked at first and wanted to be released until he said, "Can you just stay by my side tonight. I need to know that someone is beside me."

I looked at him with a little of sympathy and nodded and we both dozed off to sleep again.

I woke up, still in Taehyung arms. I looked at the clock. " SHIT" I blurted out as I pushed away causing myself to fall onto the ground. "TAEHYUNG! WE'RE LATE. GO GET READYYY!!!" I yelled as I went into the bathroom to quickly get ready.

Taehyung ran to the kitchen to got something to eat but there was nothing. All he could do was wait for me while I got ready. I came out in less than 5 minutes and went to pack my bag. I gave taehyung a towel so he could take a quick rinse as he reeked of alcohol.

When he was done, I grabbed the keys and ran out of the house with him. We got into the car and he drove off to school. "Oh shit we're gonna be so late" I said looking at the clock and then back at my phone. "Don't worry we won't be late. Chill." He said reassuring me just then we were caught in a traffic jam.

In less than ten minutes, we reached the school carpark. We quickly got out of the car and ran as fast as we could to the gates. We managed to get pass the gates and immediately sprinted to the lecture hall.. We burst into the lecture hall and all eyes were on us.

"Sorry we're late. This won't happen again." I said to the teacher. The teacher just shook his head and continued his lesson.

Taehyung and I went to find a seat." Well that was embarrassing" I whispered to Taehyung. He nodded and chuckled.

*End of class*

"Let's go to the library. The rest are there." Taehyung said as we walked out of the lecture hall. We made our way to the library. We saw Jimin,Jungkook,Jin there at a table doing their self-study.

We walked toward them and put our bags down." Where were you guys? I heard you guys were late for your lecture," Jimin questioned the both of us.

We looked at each other and I said,"oh.. uhh we bumped into each other just now so we decided to grab breakfast together. We didn't keep track of time and the last we knew, we were late" I said trying not to make things suspicious.

We all spent the next two hours in the library self-studying. I felt my stomach grumble as I was starving. I didn't get to watch anything this morning as we were in a rush. I told the rest I was going to get a snack from the vending machine.

"Mind i tag along?" Jimin asked as he caught up with me.

"Sure. But you could have just told me what you wanted." I said slightly laughing.

"I don't want any snack. I just want to walk with you and be with you." Jimin said trying to tease me. I just laughed at his cuteness.

We reached the vending machine and I took out my coins from my pocket. I pressed the button for KitKat bar. I asked Jimin once again if he wanted anything and he shook his head.

We made our way back to the library. But that was the only thing I remembered before everything turned black.

hey guys! Sorry for the late release of chapters. We're busy since we're now back at school. But we will try to post on a weekly basis!Thank you for reading our ff. I hope you guys are enjoying the chapters😊 more to come!

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