Chapter 7

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Jimin's POV

We were walking back to the library when suddenly I felt weight on me. I turned to Soo Ah and she had fainted. She fell into my arms and I managed to catch her.

"Soo Ah-yah. Wake up. Soo Ah!" I panicked. I carried her and I went into my car. I drove off to the nearest hospital. I let the doctors take over. My heart felt so heavy. I really hope she is fine.

I decided to call the rest. " Hello? Taehyung-ah, come to the hospital as quickly as you can with the rest. S-Soo Ah is here. She collapsed just now on the way back to the library."

Taehyung's POV

" Hello? Taehyung-ah, come to the hospital as quickly as you can with the rest. S-Soo Ah is here. She collapsed just now on the way back to the library." Jimin called me.

My jaw dropped and I immediately told the rest. I wasted no time and took Soo Ah's car keys from her bag she left and ran to the car. I didn't wait for the rest. My heart dropped hearing the news. Although it could be just a minor incident, I was still worried sick.

I reached the hospital and called Jimin to know where Soo Ah's room at. I quickly took the elevator to room 243. I saw Soo Ah lying on the hospital bed resting. I asked Jimin what happened.

"The doctor said that she might have fainted because she might have not eaten anything for the last few hours. But the thing is you guys went to get breakfast right ?" Jimin caught me off guard.

"Well, we didn't actually have breakfast this morning. I walked her back to her apartment and she offered me to stay the night there since it was late already. The next we knew, the next morning, we were late for school already. We didn't get to eat anything so I guess maybe that's why she fainted?" I explained to Jimin. He shook his head.

I soon saw Soo Ah's finger move. I held her hand."Soo Ah? Are you okay?" I asked her when she opened her eyes.

Soo Ah's POV

I slightly opened my eyes and I smelled the air. The air smelled like a hospital. I open my eyes a little more and I saw Taehyung holding my hand and Jimin behind him. I took my hand out of Taehyung's hand. "What happened?" I asked.

"You collapsed just now. Jimin brought you to the hospital." Taehyung replied. I nodded in reply.

"When can I go back home?" I asked again.

"The doctor say you may go home today. You just need to eat and get some rest." Jimin replied this time.

"What do you want? There's nothing much in the cafeteria in this hospital. Maybe only porridge or some sandwiches"

"I'll have the porridge thank you."

Jimin nodded before leaving the room to help buy my food. In less than 5 minutes, jimin returned with a hot bowl of fish porridge. I looked at the porridge. Is porridge supposed to look chunky? I thought it was supposed to be smooth with a bit of chunks which were meant to be the fish.
I looked at jimin, "I'm not sure too." he said stirring the porridge. He scoped less than a spoonful of porridge and blew it for me. My hands were too week to move so he had to feed me. He came and sat by the side of me bed, lifted the spoon and brought it towards my mouth while saying "ahhh".

Taehyung sat there not knowing what to do. I could tell he wanted to do something. I chuckled. Then almost chocked on my porridge. Gosh what's wrong with me.

"Next time when ever you wanna go somewhere, make sure you tell me. Never go alone." Tae said firmly.

"okay" I whispered.

I was discharged from the hospital after collecting my medicine. While walking out I heard two cars unlock from both sides. "Let's go" they both said at the same time. I was shooked. They looked at each, I just stared down at my feet. "I'll take the bus." I said quietly and tried to walk away sneakily. BUT BECAUSE IM A CLUMSY BISS I slipped and tripped over myself causing me to land on the ground. The look at me in shock, jimin trying to control his laughter, while taehyung already burst out laughing. Tae picks me up while jimin takes the medicine from the ground.

"You're not taking the bus silly." Jimin says in my ear while taehyung carry's me and ran from jimin towards his car. "YEAH SHE NOT TAKING THE BUS. SHES TAKING MY CAR." he shouted while carrying me. My stomach on his shoulder. I was trying my hardest to breathe but just couldn't as he was moving too quickly. (I hope it doesn't sound weird. It's not me it's u.:))

He opened the car door and put me inside. He strapped the seat belt on me and slammed the car door closed and locked the car. He ran back to jimin who was still standing in shock and quickly took the bag of medicine from his hands. "ADIOS" I hear him shout running back. Tae opened the car door and started the engine immediately. I could hear him panting hardly as if he just ran a marathon. "Gosh your stamina's Low." I said teasing him.

"Well at least mine is better than yours."

I looked at him and flicked his head. "Ow tsk what's that for. It hurts okay." he wined. "Why did you carry me?" I asked hoping for a reasonable answer. But since it was coming from him, my expectations were not that high.

"So you won't go with jimin."

"Why don't you want me to go with jimin?" It's fun testing his patience.

He didn't say anything for a few minutes. He drove into a car park and parked in a parking lot. "Is that even a question?" I hear him ask. I lifted my head and faced him. "Huh?" I questioned.

"Are you dumb. I like you." He said

"HAHA yea I like you too." I said back childishly.

"I serious you moron. I really like you." he pouted and fiddled with his fingers.

"Oh okay. So what now?"

"Be mine." he whispered in my ear and kissed me softly. Without thinking I kissed him back, feeling him smirk, he knew I said yes. We both pulled away and drove to his house.

On our way there he was basically calling almost all his friends, it got so bad I had to take away his phone as he was still driving. "No more phone u tik we reach your place." I scolded him.

"I'm just really happy I can finally call you mine."

Hey guys sorry for the late update. We are both in different classes so it so hard to communicate and our schedules are different.If you have been enjoying the story so far please vote it will be very much appreciated!!🥺🥺

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