𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕

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"The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones

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"The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones. They erode our strength, our self-esteem, our very foundation."
- Cheryl Hughes

Sunday, November 2, 1987

"Hey Sam." Jenna smirked.
"Hey Jens."
"What are you doing walking around here?"
"I'm looking for y/n. I haven't seen her since friday" Sam said as he walked further away from Jenna.
"Have you, I don't know, checked her house?" Jenna said as she followed behind him.
"Yes, I'm not an idiot."
Sam said and rolled his eyes.
Jenna saw this as an opportunity to tell him Mike and y/n's dirty little secret.
"You know what I heard? She's been hanging around with Wheeler all weekend."
The boy asked, with furrowed eyebrows.

"A little birdie told me that they have grown closer, in a physical way."
She said with an evil grin.
"What do you mean?" Sam asked with a confused look on his face.
"They did what we did Sam."
"Are you actually that dense? She cheated on you, just like you cheated on her."
Sam couldn't believe what he heard.
"Yeah, at the party, she went upstairs to Stacey's parents' room with Wheeler and they had sex. Poor Sam, you were downstairs looking for your stupid girlfriend, while she was having a good old time with Wheeler."
"Well, even if that is true, I cheated on her too. So, I have no reason to be mad at her."
"Well, I guess that's true... but y/n knew what she was doing." Jenna mumbled.
"What did you say?"
"I said y/n knew what she was doing!"


Monday, November 3, 1987

y/n woke up Monday morning in a rather good mood. All weekend long she had been hanging out with Mike and their friendship was starting again, her mother was very happy about this.

The young girl got dressed in mom jeans and a tie-dye t-shirt, with high top converse. She brushed her h/c hair, put it up in a half up/half down ponytail, and tied it with a lilac scrunchie. She did light makeup, grabbed her bag, and ran downstairs to meet Sam.

"Hey mom." y/n said with a smile.
"Hey sweetie. Did you sleep ok?"
"Yeah, is Sam here?"
"I haven't heard him honking yet."
y/n opened the front door and her boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. She walked outside and waited on the porch.
"Hey y/n. What are you doing?"
Mike asked, about to get on his bike.
"I'm waiting for Sam, he's late."
"I can take you."
"Really? I don't want to trouble you."
"Jeez, it's fine. Cmon." Mike chuckled.
y/n walked over to the Wheelers' yard and stood confused.
"Where's your car?"
"We're going on bike."
"Just hop on and hold onto me."
y/n sat on the back of Mike's bike and held onto his waist. Mike smiled remembering when they would always ride to school together on their bikes, but one day y/n got a flat tire on her bike and he offered to give her a ride on his, she tightly held onto his waist until they got to school.
He snapped out of his day dreams and began to pedal to school.


The two teens finally arrived to school and hopped off the bike. They began walking through the parking lot when y/n spotted Sam's car.
"This is Sam's car." y/n said pointing to his red car that was parked in their usual parking spot.
"And?" Mike asked, confused as to why she was stating the obvious.
"He always gives me a ride."
"Maybe he got there late today and your mom told him that you came with me." Mike reasoned.
"Maybe, but wouldn't we have gotten here first?"
"y/n, we biked here and Sam drove here, of course he got here first."
"Well, ok." y/n said, a bit unsure but just brushed it off.


Mike and y/n walked into the hallway and y/n immediately spotted her boyfriend at his locker, he looked very pale and like he had been crying.
y/n walked up to him, leaving Mike with his friends, and greeted him cheerily.
"Hey babe!" She exclaimed and pecked his cheek.
"Hey." Sam said blankly and wiped his cheek.
y/n noticed his actions and furrowed her eyebrows.
What's up with him?
The bell rang and Sam began to walk to his class without saying goodbye or walking y/n to her class, like he usually does.
The h/c haired girl let it slide and thought that he was just in a bad mood that morning, maybe because she got a ride with Mike to school instead of him.
She decided that was probably it and began to run to class, not wanting to be late.


The day went on and Sam hadn't talked to y/n all day.
During their art class, he wasn't constantly asking to borrow her paint, during p.e., he didn't pick her to be his partner for tennis, and during lunch, he didn't even sit with her and their friends.
y/n decided to talk to him when they met up to leave for the day and ask him what was up.

She stood in front of her english class waiting for him, but he didn't come.
She was just about to leave, when she spotted him at his locker. She ran up to him and tapped his shoulder.
"Hey, whats up with you today?" She asked in a concerned voice.
"Nothing." Sam said, not even turning away from his locker to look at her.
"Are you sure?" She asked leaning against a locker.
"Yes y/n! Just leave me alone!" Sam snapped.
She jumped from his sudden yelling, she had never seen him like this before.
He grabbed his things from his locker, slammed it closed, and began to walk towards the exit of the school.

"I don't understand! Why won't you talk to me?" y/n asked, with tears in her eyes.
He quickly turned around, his eyes red, and fists clenched.
"You know what you did y/n, don't play dumb with me. I've gotta go." Sam blankly muttered.
"What did I do?!" She yelled.
The hallway started to get crowded and soon the arguing couple was surrounded by their classmates, including Mike.
"You cheated on me with that scrawny motherfucker, Wheeler!"
Sam pointed angrily at Mike, the tall boy stepped back, not wanting to get involved.
"What?" She questioned with a tear stained face.
"Jenna told me that you guys fucked at the party! We're through!" Sam screamed, about to walk away.
"You said you would never break up with me!"
She screamed, choking on her words.
"I never thought you would make me feel like this!" Sam shot back.
Just like that, Sam stormed off wiping the tears from his cheeks and leaving y/n standing in the crowded hallway, drowning in her tears.

✿ 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒂 𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒔! ✿
well, you and Sam are finally over. i got a bit emotional writing this, because of how raw their emotions were and how they were screaming and crying. i used a lot of references in this chapter, like 'scrawny motherfucker' and i used some lines from finn and rachel's breakup in glee. :) hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

1237 words

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