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(Narrator POV)
Clarke woke up with the sun on the first day of senior year. Too early in her opinion, but she was also too excited to complain. She just saw her friends last week, but the idea of finally being top-dog of that school was just too good to pass up.

She quickly got dressed in a high- waisted white skirt that ended a few inches above the knee, a blue crop top (it didn't happen to reveal any skin with the skirt though), and black high top converse.

When she got downstairs, she was greeted by her mother and stepfather, Marcus Kane. Her father had died when she was 12 and Abby had remarried when Clarke was around 17.

It had been a year and Clarke was now 18, but a part of her still felt uneasy around Kane. As long as he made her mother happy, she wouldn't be rude, but he always made her feel just a little angry.

She ate her cereal at a speed that was probably not recommended before she rushed out the door with her grey backpack.

Walking to school didn't take much time and she got to watch the sunrise mix the sky in a beautiful array of blues and pinks.

Clarke got to the school faster than she would have really liked and noticed her friends right away. She marched her way over to the outdoor table they were at and placed herself next to Raven and across from Bellamy.

Her friend group consisted of four couples, Jasper Jordan, and Bellamy Blake. Octavia Blake was dating Lincoln Wood who currently had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, John Murphy (both Bellamy and Clarke's best friend) was dating Raven Reyes (Clarke's other best friend) who was holding his hand on the table, Nathan Miller was dating Monty Green who was perched on Miller's lap at the moment, and Echo Azgeda was dating Harper McIntyre who was snuggled into her side.

They were all very adorable, yes, but they were also disgusting.

Jasper didn't seem to mind all the couples around him, but Bellamy and Clarke were always trying to find a way to pry them all off each other.

Clarke refused to admit that the reason she didn't like being surrounded by couples was because she wanted to be dating the boy sitting in front of her.

So what if Bellamy had perfectly tanned skin, dark curls, chocolate brown eyes, and a light dusting of freckles? Who cared if he had the body of a Greek god? Clarke didn't care. She didn't. Really.

Okay, maybe she cared a little bit. Just a bit.

Of course, her friends saw right through her. Octavia and Raven always gave her a hard time over it while Harper and Jasper gushed about how cute they would be as a couple. Echo, Murphy and Miller would snicker at everyone's comments and Monty would try and convince her that everything would be okay. They meant well, but it just made her want to scream.

Surprisingly, when it came to pining after Bellamy, her favorite person to be around while doing it was Murphy.

He would point out all the annoying things about Bellamy too or he'd just sit and let her vent before telling her to grow up and ask him out before they all get grey hair.

She never listened to him, but the sentiment was nice.

"So, first day! Time to compare schedules now that everyone is here!" Octavia chirped happily and the group loved her too much to deny her anything.

It turned out that they had a lot of classes together, but Clarke's first class (homeroom) was with Murphy, Monty, and Miller.

"We all have lunch together which is awesome, but other than that we're split into smaller groups." Octavia announced which received nods all around the table.

By the time the bell rang, Clarke almost forgot that today was the first day. Her friends always had a way of making her forget the things that made her nervous and first days of school were certainly on that list.

Bellamy walked with Clarke into the building while the rest paired off as well to find their lockers.

"Nervous?" He asked in that deep voice that made her smile. She nodded a little as they turned a corner and stopped at what was now Clarke's locker.

"Of course, aren't you?" She asked him back while trying out the combination for the first time.

"Nah, Princess." There was that nickname again. He had started calling her that when she wore princess outfits for a month in first grade. It used to make her so mad and now it just made her get those annoying butterflies that wouldn't give her a break. "We're seniors, remember? Kings and queens of the school."

"You would know what it means to be a senior, wouldn't you?" She asked with a small chuckle and had to grin when he looked perplexed before realization crossed his features.

"Oh yeah, haha, I'm not even older than you guys. Octavia got in school early, sue me." Bellamy answered her with a laugh as he headed a few lockers down to his own.

"Just remember, if you get a couple grey hairs, I hear some ladies love a little salt and pepper." Clarke nearly cackled at the wide-eyed expression he gave her.

"You one of those girls, Clarke?" He teased back and she just shook her head with a smile.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Guess you'll never know." She laughed again when he pouted. "Gotta go before I'm late, see you later."

They waved goodbye and as she slipped into her classroom only a few seconds before the bell rang, she heard a shocked gasp.

When she looked in the direction of the noise, she saw Murphy with a hand on his chest and a mock-surprised expression on his face.

"Clarke Griffin, almost late to a class? And on the first day too?! What has the world come to?" He smirked and laughed when she smacked the back of his head with her notebook while getting to the seat next to him.

"Don't be stupid, Murphy. Everyone has their distractions." She muttered while pulling out multiple pens and listening to the teacher as she started calling out names for attendance.

"Oh, I bet you have plenty of distractions." Murphy smirked and threw a wink at Miller who just rolled his eyes in response.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Clarke asked with a small bit of worry in her tone. He simply flashed her a grin before shaking his head, clearly not going to tell her what he had meant.

But watching the way he made kissing faces at Miller and Monty before holding up a sign that she was pretty sure said '10 bucks says they make-out before the end of the year' made it pretty clear what he meant.

She had to admit that she was a little distracted.

A/N Hello, so this is my first ever requested story and it's also my first Bellarke story. I generally don't ship them and all my 100 stories are Murphy-centric because he's my favorite, but I think this is going well so far.

I hope you enjoyed and keep reading!

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