Parking Lot

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(Narrator POV)
It was 9pm on a Wednesday night when the group of teens stumbled out of the movie theater with boisterous laughter throughout them.

They had gone to see the newest horror movie, but it ended up being funnier than any of them thought it would be. Besides, Murphy and Miller couldn't stop making jokes about some of lines the old woman had.

"I just can't believe she actually said, 'Mmm tastes like sand.' After eating her granddaughter's baking. Who knew Granny could be such a savage?" Miller laughed as he walked with the group through the empty parking lot.

"Clearly, you never met my Grandma when she was still alive. That woman would roast anyone." Echo chipped in from the other side of the group.

By the time they made it to their cars, everyone had decided that they didn't want to leave, but they didn't know what else they should go and do.

However, they didn't end up having to think of anything because it only took Jasper a few seconds to turn on the car and crank up the speaker to as loud as it would go before telling them all to "dance, monkeys, dance."

It also only took him a matter of minutes to steal all their jackets for blankets and fall asleep in the back of Bellamy's truck.

As a song began over the stereo, the couples paired off and started dancing which left Clarke and Bellamy standing there like idiots until he finally rolled his eyes and tugged her into a dance with a smile.

Monty and Miller were more hugging while swaying back and forth, Echo and Harper were tripping over each other from their uncontrolled giggles, Lincoln and Octavia were moving around with a shocking amount of grace, and Raven and Murphy were laughing while doing a dance that mostly consisted of spinning and dipping each other.

Bellamy and Clarke settled for a more basic dance to the music. The moonlight was shining down on all of them alongside the streetlights

"Y'know, this is the best." Clarke commented while smiling up at Bellamy who couldn't help but grin back.

"What's the best?" He asked as he looked into her eyes that reflected the moon so perfectly.

"This. Our friends being themselves. You and me being close." She remarked with more nerves in her voice than she would have liked.

"Us being close physically or emotionally?" He teased her, but he couldn't deny the flutter he felt in his chest at her words. If hearts actually could skip beats, his would have when she said that.

"Both." Clarke answered honestly and he was slightly surprised that she gave up the chance to tease him back.

(Time Skip)
A few weeks had passed and it was now early October. Clarke hadn't had much going on in her life between now and then, but she felt like that was kind of nice after all the drama from previous years.

Her past school years had always been so hectic and stressful so having a year to relax was like a gift.

8th grade had been the year of the Griffin vs Murphy fight that is still a sore subject to this day. Her dad's death had still been fresh and it was the anniversary of the accident he was in. All Murphy had done was take her garbage all day and give his condolences because if any of them understood what she was going through, it was him.

But when he tried to get her to lay off on her yelling at Raven about how Raven had no idea what it was like to even have a dad. Clarke had snapped that at least nobody else in the group had been the reason their dad died, unlike Murphy.

She regretted saying that the moment it left her mouth, but it was too late and his glare could have set her hair on fire even as his eyes filled with a pain and sadness he never let them see. He didn't talk to her for 4 months after that until she had apologized to both him and Raven at least 70 times.

She still felt awful about that, even years later. Clarke often apologized and explained that it was just her lashing out. She never meant it. Murphy always told her that he understood and at least she hadn't broken anybody's arm like Murphy had when his dad died. Wells still couldn't look him in the eye.

Freshman year was the year that Clarke had her first girlfriend, but that ended as soon as Lexa moved to Washington DC. So she had been dealing with her heartbreak for most of the year while still struggling to understand her feelings towards Bellamy that she had been feeling since 5th grade.

Sophomore year was the fleeting year of cheerleading which ended with Echo slapping her in the face and the whole cheerleading team to start bullying her until Octavia and Raven started an essential war with them before the cheerleaders finally gave up. Too afraid of Raven's genius mixed with Octavia's ruthlessness.

Junior had been the year that Bellamy really got the reputation of a player. He'd been dating a bunch of people through the years, but junior year was the year he went through most of their class and half of the school.

Clarke spent that year pretending to be okay while crying on Raven's shoulder in her weaker moments.

Sometimes Clarke envied Monty, Lincoln, Miller, Jasper and Harper because those five were like drama-repellent. They could avoid any fight or incident that their friend group found a way into.

Miller and Monty started dating in 8th grade after a Valentine's Day dance and a very shy poem reading. They were definitely the most pure and wholesome couple from the very beginning.

Harper and Echo got together in Sophomore year when a football player was making fun of Harper and Echo paid him back by punching him in the face. He got a broken nose while she got a week long suspension and a girlfriend.

Lincoln and Octavia got together when Lincoln calmly asked her out Freshman year and she happily said yes. They were the most generic in their beginning, but they were most wild now. They never went on normal dates, only ones that involved nature and maybe -almost- dying.

Murphy and Raven got together in Freshman year as well, during the short time that they were separated from the group. Apparently they kissed one night and then had mild freak-outs until they finally talked to each other and admitted having crushes on each other since 7th grade.

And who knows? Maybe this year Clarke will finally get her very own happy ending.

Only time would tell.

A/N So, I'm not really writing these chapters in order like I normally do so it's feeling a bit odd.

Hope you enjoyed and keep reading.

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