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(Narrator POV)
Graduation had been a short affair that was followed up by all the friends piling into Jasper's new van (that somehow fit all 11 of them) and driving to a beach house they had rented and already brought their luggage to.

That summer had been a blast and the last week had brought them back home to pack up their separate cars so they could head to college.

Everyone was excited and the trip to the college was accompanied by them all having a hands-free group-call (don't talk on the phone and drive, kids) so they could talk about their big plans.

They all pulled over for meals together and bathroom breaks, but eventually they did make it to the college and were all brimming with anxiousness.

College years passed by with little drama (surprisingly) and all the friends graduated with amazing grades.

The couples had their little problems here and there, but they never stopped fighting for their love. Friendship bonds had only grown stronger and nobody had any question on if they'd stay friends or not.

Abby did eventually come around and Clarke gladly let her mother get to know her friends. She was surprised when all of them got an Abby-seal-of-approval, as Clarke liked to call it.

She thought that Raven was delightful and very intelligent and she knew that the young woman's confidence would help to bring more of that out of Clarke as well.

Murphy gave her mixed feelings, but she knew that underneath all that snark and rashness, was someone who genuinely loved his friends and would literally fight to the death for any one of them. A protector for the whole group which brought the mother some comfort.

Abby thought Jasper was a little odd, but she knew he meant well and she could tell that his cheery mood really brought the group out of some darker moments.

Monty was very smart and he had an optimism that could only be outweighed by his sass which he used to help Miller reign Murphy in when necessary.

His boyfriend, Miller was very sarcastic, but, in Abby's opinion, it was a good thing that they had a lighter persona with some wit so that Murphy couldn't drive them into an overly sarcastic conversation.

Echo was strong and independent. She took no garbage from anyone in the group and Abby thought it was a good balance to Harper who was a bit of a people-pleaser at times.

Speaking of Harper, she was sweeter than sugar and she made some of the more rude group members bite their tongues in order to save some of her innocence. Abby knew that was a very important thing as well.

Lincoln was very quiet, but he could get things done and he was wise beyond his years. He was one of the main reasons the group didn't get in more trouble and Abby was thankful for that.

Abby knew that Octavia was a very wild spirit and she made the teens try new things and experience adventures that would help them grow as people.

Then there was Bellamy. Abby had been uncomfortable that he was dating her daughter at first, but now she was happy that there was a level head around to bring Clarke's head out of the clouds when needed.

Abby may be the first adult to really understand what all the friends brought to the table and how they managed to stick together so well.

After college, all the couples (and Jasper) got apartments in the same building while they worked their new jobs.

Clarke got what she wanted and became an artist. She couldn't be more happy that she decided to follow her dream because she loved her job. The gallery she worked at adored her work and she was able to make a lot of money for charities.

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