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(Narrator POV)
It was the weekend once again and this time the whole group was sleeping over at Bellamy and Octavia's place. Their mom always worked a lot so they wouldn't be disturbed during their festivities.

It was Friday night and everyone was homework-free (a miracle in and of itself, and quite honestly what they were celebrating) so they were all filing into the Blake household.

Today had been rather stressful so they all needed a bit of a break.

During one class that day, Bellamy had threatened and scared off Finn when he wouldn't stop flirting with Clarke. While she was thankful because Finn was being a little too persistent, she couldn't help, but question the older Blake's motives in doing that considering he hadn't gained anything except for the pleasure of scarring Finn for life.

Bellamy had nearly stabbed Finn's hand with a pencil, then proceeded to pin him to the table with a cold glare and inform him that 'the Princess is too good for you and unless you want her to punch you in the nose, I suggest you take the hint and back off'. It was unnecessary, but Clarke was relieved when the floppy-haired boy finally quit breathing down her neck.

She was still questioning what his intentions could have been, but now she had more to worry about.

At the end of the day, Murphy and Bellamy had saved Monty and Jasper from some bullies who were determined to put the two geeks in a trashcan.

Dax, Connor, and Miles had never been kind to the group and had often bullied all or some of them. When Murphy was younger, they tormented him until he started hitting back harder and harder. They used to go after Raven until she fractured Connor's jaw with a well-aimed punch and Murphy had some threatening words with Miles.

Bellamy and Lincoln had never really been targets, but Miller had been until he started roasting them with sassy comebacks. Point was, the group of friends had never got along well with those three.

Even in kindergarten they couldn't get along. It would be funny if it weren't so irritating and inconvenient.

Now, Monty was being hugged tighter than ever by Miller while Jasper was receiving a group hug from Octavia and Harper. Lincoln and Echo were finishing the sleepover setup. Raven was patching up Murphy's busted eyebrow (5th time in two years) and Clarke was trying to see if Bellamy's nose was broken.

"Stop moving!" She shouted at him as he tried to move his face away for the 9th time. Clarke had finally hit her limit and gave his bruised nose a strong pinch from where she had been feeling for broken bone.

"Ow! I'll stop moving when you stop making it hurt worse!" Bellamy exclaimed (rather dramatically, in Clarke's humble opinion). He turned more on the kitchen stool and finally shimmied away from her hand on his face.

"Quit being a baby, Bellamy! I've broken my nose twice, and all you've got is a bruise!" Murphy hollered from the dining room where Raven was now putting away first-aid supplies. Surprisingly, he had never really fought getting patched up. Apparently, unlike some people (Bellamy).

They had already patched up Monty and Jasper, but those two had been mostly unharmed aside from the almost-being-in-a-trashcan thing.

"Shut up, Murphy!" Bellamy hollered back, but all he earned for his troubles was a middle finger from the unbeatable boy at the table. (A/N Aye, it's the classic line from the show!)

"I don't think your nose is broken, but I can't really tell besides from how it looks since you wouldn't quit squirming." Clarke reprimanded as she went to go help Lincoln and Echo set up the rest of the sleepover stuff.

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