Prom Confessions

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(Narrator POV)
Telling her mother had been insanely difficult to do, but Clarke pulled it off. Of course, she waited until after she had already sent the messages to the colleges. Declining one offer and happily accepting another.

There was some lecturing and Clarke thought she may have seen a tear in her mothers eye, but she just kept reminding herself that Murphy and the nurse were right and she had to live for herself and that didn't mean becoming a doctor just to put a smile on her mom's face.

Once she explained to Abby that she needed to live for herself and not her mother and after she had talked about what Murphy said, her mother let up and said they would talk about it later (they would not be).

Her friends were all ecstatic at the news. Not just because she would be living with them, but because she would be happy. That was all they had ever wanted.

The thing was, she hadn't told Bellamy that she loved him yet. She had a plan and all her friends were helping make sure it happened.

Prom was going on tonight and all of them were going. Somehow Bellamy didn't have a date even though he was the Bellamy Blake and he had to be getting asked.

According to Miller's 'at least twice a day' and Murphy's 'every five minutes', he was getting asked. Quite a bit apparently. Those two probably spent the most time with Bellamy so they had heard a good number of the rejections he apologetically delivered.

Clarke and Jasper also didn't have dates, but Clarke was just keeping herself single for what she was going to do once they all got to Prom. Jasper just decided to go alone because he wanted to.

Everyone was getting ready at their own houses and then Echo was going to pick up Harper while Miller picked up Monty. Bellamy was going with Lincoln when he came to pick up Octavia (nobody was super excited about that, but they promised not to make-out as long as Bellamy didn't pretend to gag the whole ride). Raven was getting picked up by Murphy who was then going to swing by and get Jasper and Clarke.

It took more arranging than any of them wanted to admit, but at least they were all getting there.

Clarke was in her room, getting ready for the final dance. Her room had some empty boxes in one corner for when she was ready to pack up for college which probably upset her mother a great deal.

She had on a long, light blue dress that was very flow-y and had spaghetti straps for the sleeves. The neckline was straight across and there were a few white layers in the skirt of the dress. Her heels were closed-toe and white with straps and a small gold buckle.

Her hair was straightened, but still wavy as it fell down her shoulders and her makeup was mostly neutral with a few hints of blue and white.

Clarke was arranging her small white clutch when she heard a soft knock on her open door. Turning, the blonde saw her mom standing there with a small and somewhat sad smile.

"You're really doing all this aren't you? Telling Bellamy your feelings? Going to that college with all your little friends?" Abby didn't sound mad, just resigned, but it still sent a flare of fury at the way she unintentionally sounded like she was belittling Clarke's best friends.

"They're not my friends mom, they're my family. They're the people I would die for, just like they would die for me. We protect each other and are always there for one another. They're not just my 'little friends', they're my people." Clarke said with a confidence and pride that showed how much she truly loved her friends.

The doorbell cut off whatever it was Abby was going to say and Clarke quickly scurried down the stairs to answer the door for her two best friends.

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