Drawing Buddies

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(Narrator POV)
Clarke was sitting at her desk in her room, pencil in hand, but staring out the window instead of doing what she had been intending to.

No, she was thinking about Bellamy and his stupid pretty face. She wanted to call him and talk again, but she was expecting company and she really did want to draw. Both right now and when her drawing pal showed up.

She knew that even one word of Bellamy's voice would be too distracting and all she'd be able to do the rest of the night would be listen to him.

It was irritating. The power he held over her without even trying made her want to scream because that was unfair. He should at least have to try instead of just getting handed her heart on a silver platter!

Unfortunately, that wasn't how it worked and he had had her heart for as long as she could remember. He was special and infuriating.

She cared about him, probably more than she should. She adored him, and wanted what was best for him. Clarke lov-


Did she just almost think 'love' in the same sentence as 'Bellamy'? No, that was incorrect. She did not love him. No, nonononono. No! She didn't, no matter what her stupid heart was arguing or how much it seemed right to say or how much she totally couldn't breathe right now!

Oh, god, she was hyperventilating and she loved Bellamy.

She quickly turned her chair to the side and put her head in her hands while trying to take deep, calming breaths.

A pair of boots and some black jeans walked into her vision and she focused on them for a moment. Only two people wore work boots and black jeans and that was Murphy and Bellamy. Fingers crossed for Murphy because Bellamy would be super embarrassing right now.

The boots were more black or dark grey instead of brown and about a size smaller than she remembered Bellamy's being. Plus, the black jeans were tighter and more worn out.

Definitely Murphy.

"You okay there, Princess?" Yep, that was Murphy for sure. He was standing a few feet from her, but still in sight.

"Peachy." She lied while still looking down.

"Obviously you're lying, but I can pretend to believe you if you want me to." That was why she loved him. With all her heart sometimes. He would pretend to believe her if she just nodded her head, but he knew that wasn't what she needed so he gave her the option.

Sometimes Clarke wondered why she didn't just admit that she was best friends with both Raven and Murphy as well. Better late than never.

"You know you're my best friend too, right? Not just Raven." She told him after getting some more air in her lungs and sitting up straight again.

He moved to sit on the foot of her bed so they could face each other and gave her a grin. "Is that why you were hyperventilating? Because that's just a bit insulting." She let out a laugh and that made him turn a bit more genuine. "You're one of my best friends too, Griffin. Now, tell me what's wrong."

Clarke shook her head quickly and he sighed a long breath. "Well, I'll be here when you change your mind." He told her and claimed her window-seat like he did every time he came in her room.

The walls were light blue with clouds painted all around and she had a dark wood floor with a fluffy white rug. She had a brown bookshelf in one corner with a window-seat next to it on one side and her door on the other.

After the window was her bed with a brown frame and white, blue, and grey covers. That was in the corner and at the foot of it was an open space that held nothing, but a grey trashcan and a white hamper.

Then she had a white desk with another window in front of it and a blue desk chair. Behind that were the doors to her closet and bathroom and the only thing that separated those doors with the entrance was a white hanging chair.

Murphy always stuck out in her room with his dark clothes and band tees. Today's shirt was an old Cinderella (the band not the Disney princess.) tank top that he wore a lot under his dark grey jean jacket that had been abandoned on her bedpost.

You would think that the contrast might make her uncomfortable, but it just made his presence more known even though he was often silent when they drew together. Like they were right now.

"How'd you know you were in love with Raven?" Clarke asked and heard his drawing charcoal freeze on the paper. She hoped she didn't mess him up on accident.

"Shouldn't you talk to Raven about this?" He asked her and she could tell that he was a little uncomfortable, but she needed Murphy on this subject. He didn't like talking about his feelings, but he had been the first to say the 'L' word to Raven and according to a past conversation with the girl, she had loved Murphy back for months, but only really realized it when he said the words.

"You're my best friend too, Murph, and I need some help here. I've already heard Raven's side, but I need a guy's point of view." She nearly begged. He sighed, but lowered the charcoal back to the page in order to continue.

"One day we were baking these cupcakes, and, as you know, the one thing Raven is actually bad at is any form of cooking which I've always found funny because it's one of the few things I'm really good at. Anyways, she was getting all huffy at how long they would take to cool off so I put leftover batter on her nose just to make her stop scowling at the cupcakes." He paused to clear his throat in a clearly nervous action before continuing.

"I remember she scrunched up her nose, furrowed her eyebrows, and turned her scowl toward me and all I could think was 'God, she is so adorable.' and then she took a handful of batter before grabbing my entire cheek. We both started laughing and I finally realized that I was in love with her after watching her laugh at me. I wasn't even mad that I was covered in batter." Murphy explained with a few anxious pauses.

"That's so sweet!" Clarke all but squealed in response. Mainly because she knew it would make him uncomfortable and watching Murphy squirm never stopped being funny.

"Yeah, yeah, it's real adorable." Murphy mumbled before looking at her with some seriousness. "Are you asking because you think you're in love with Bellamy?" He waited for her hesitant nod before asking another question. "Is that why you were panicking earlier?" She nodded again.

Murphy stood with a sigh and walked over to her after putting down his drawing supplies. Once it was set down she could see the beginning of a tree with ravens flying away.

He crouched in front of her chair, looked up at her, and took her hands in the single most gentle movement she had ever seen from him directed at anyone who wasn't Raven. He was loving with his girlfriend and everyone else could expect the rare hug and that's it.

Right now though, she could feel his slightly cold hands grasping hers in a hold that was still very platonic. He had a few rough parts of his hands and he was getting her skin black from the charcoal he had been using.

"Clarke, you've been in love with him for years just like how he's been in love with you for the same amount of time." He told her calmly before speaking again. "Now, if you don't know if you're in love with him then you take your time and think about it. Don't rush it."

"Does everyone think I'm in love with him?" She asked after a moment. Clarke knew he would tell the truth because he almost always did. He was a wonderful liar, but he preferred to be blatantly honest.

Murphy nodded at her slowly and then gave her arm a pat before standing to go back over to the window.

A few moments passed in utter silence while she watched him start up again and then she yelled the shocked words that were probably going to be the death of her.

"I'm in love with Bellamy Blake!"

A/N Sorry that I've been having a lot of Murphy and Clarke, but I like their friendship a lot and Murphy is my favorite character.

I also just want this to be a lot about Clarke realizing things and daydreaming (mainly about Bellamy).

Enjoy and keep reading!

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