Valentine's Day Charade

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(Narrator POV)
This had been a bad week for Clarke. She was very upset about not going to college with her friends and Finn wouldn't leave her alone even though her crush on Bellamy was becoming more consuming by the day.

She told all her friends about the new college situation and they were all very sad. They tried to convince her to stand up to her mother more, but Murphy and Raven stayed silent while sharing meaningful looks with one another.

Clarke didn't know what they were planning, but she had a feeling that those two criminal masterminds would come up with something crazy and rope the rest of them in to it. Just like they always did.

Bellamy was also eerily silent and eventually was pulled away by an irritated Murphy.

But that was 3 days ago and today was Valentine's Day. A day that Clarke didn't normally like too much, but was definitely not a fan of this year.

She wasn't in the mood to pine after Bellamy and reject every person who even looked at her sideways. Seeing all her friends being cute both bothered and made her happy, so the conflicting emotions were also irritating.

Miller and Monty were going to a drive-in movie after school. Monty gave Miller some candy while Miller gave Monty a teddybear the size of his entire body. They also both happened to get the other the exact same sweater just in different colors on accident.

Echo and Harper had an ice skating date planned for that night. Echo got Harper flowers, chocolate, and a charm bracelet while Harper got Echo a snowflake necklace and some new ice skates since Echo went enough that her old ones were falling apart.

Lincoln was taking Octavia on a hike since both of them loved to do nature things, even in the freezing cold. Octavia got Lincoln more things for his survival kit and some spray paints for the artwork he does on the old storage units his grandfather owned. Lincoln gave Octavia a horse plushie, another leather jacket, and earrings.

Jasper had decided that he would be watching all the romantic movies ever made after school, all by himself. He also bought himself a new video game and some candy because he wanted to treat himself.

Murphy and Raven were going to have dinner that Murphy was making and then they were going to go the arcade together. After that they planned to watch a bunch of movies (horror, not romance because they both hated those movies) and make a pillow fort in his room. Raven got Murphy a new hoodie, a bracelet, and bunch of art supplies while Murphy got her a new tool set, a necklace, and homemade cookies.

He also made cookies for their friends, and a couple extra for Jasper (because even though he chose to be alone and Murphy pretended to dislike him, the jaded boy didn't like the idea of Mr. Cheery sitting home all alone with no gift from someone else).

Clarke had no plans, and neither did Bellamy because they were both single and pining for one another. No matter how much their friends told them that they were being stupid, they wouldn't just confess already.

However, Finn was all over Clarke again in Biology. She had the class with both Finn and Bellamy and no matter what she did, they wouldn't quit bickering about her.

Today, being the day of romance and all, was the worst day of the year for Finn's flirting because it just never seemed to stop.

"Are you sure you don't have any plans today? I would think that someone would have scooped you up by now. Maybe we could do something later?" Finn asked for the thousandth time and Clarke could feel the steam coming out her ears.

Finn had done this exact same thing to Raven a year ago. He didn't stop until she kneed him in the crotch for getting a little handsy. Raven gained a detention (it had been 3 day suspension until she explained the circumstances) and Finn got a week suspension and a new shadow by the name of Murphy.

Finn finally said he wouldn't even look at Raven again when Murphy beat him to a pulp once given the okay from the girl herself. Murphy would never defend her if she didn't want him to because he knew that she didn't need him to fight her battles for her. He was just way more comfortable hitting people than she was and he did enjoy defending her even if she didn't need it.

Clarke didn't really want to repeat that incident. Especially because she knew that one word to Murphy, would have Finn watched like a hawk again (Murphy was kind of the group's resident attack dog, after all).

"No, Finn. I don't want to go out with you. I have no clue how many times I need to say it, but no." She voiced with a tinge of real anger in her tone now.

"Are you sure? We could have a lot of fun, Princess." Her blood boiled at him this time. First of all, they would not be having any fun of any kind. Secondly, 'Princess' was a nickname only her friends (mainly Bellamy and jokingly Murphy) were allowed to call her.

"Don't call me that, and again, no!" Clarke was clearly mad now and she was lucky the teacher was out on a bathroom break otherwise she'd probably get yelled at.

Finn opened his mouth to reply, but he was stopped when a new voice entered the conversation. A deep, and angry voice.

"Why don't you take a hint, Finn? Just beat it already." Bellamy said as he slid in between the two. Finn visibly shivered because there were only three people that he feared as much as Murphy and that was Bellamy, Raven, and Lincoln.

"She doesn't have a date! I'm just trying to improve her day!" That was laughable and Clarke actually had to suppress a snort. Bellamy wasn't polite enough to hide his obviously disbelieving chuckle.

"She does have a date actually." Bellamy told Finn as he blocked the boy's view of Clarke so he wouldn't see her furrowed eyebrows. She was confused and Bellamy knew it, but the blonde still let him continue.

"Oh, is that so? Well, she said she didn't." Finn told Bellamy with clear annoyance.

"Well, she's a bit shy about it, but actually we're going on a date later. Sorry." The tan boy replied with ease before stepping closed to Finn. "So, back off." His voice was menacing and Finn visibly flinched.

All he did was nod before turning back to his paper. Bellamy gave Clarke a wink and then walked away just as the teacher came back into the room.

Clarke was left reeling and the rest of class was pretty much useless to her since all she could think about was why on Earth he would do that.

It wasn't until after school that she finally got to ask him, but all he did was blush like crazy. She had never seen him blush and it made her have to fight down a lovestruck smile.

"Just being a friend. Didn't want him bothering you, but I didn't want detention either so that worked best in my opinion." Bellamy replied meekly. Something else he had never done. The older Blake was never meek, no, he was bold and proud. It was weird seeing him so shy.

All she could do was nod, but just as he was going to walk away, she opened her mouth and words came flying out. "Do you maybe want to come to my house and watch movies? Everyone else has plans and Marcus and my mom are out tonight."

To her shock and happiness he agreed and she got to spend the rest of the night watching movies a foot away from him.

She still didn't really understand why he had done what he did because now everyone was going to think they were dating.

Unless. Unless he wanted people to think they were dating. He did always try to spend time with her and he kept her close at all times.

He called her nicknames and offered to help her whenever she needed. Bellamy had been prepared to punch Finn, but instead convinced the boy that they were dating. Oh my god! She thought to herself and even though she wouldn't do anything about it now, thanks to the college situation, she had realized something very important.

Bellamy loves me back!

A/N Heyo! I hope you enjoyed and keep reading!

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