Girls' Night

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(Narrator POV)
The first week of school had flown by without an issue and soon enough it was the weekend once again.

Clarke was hosting a celebratory girls' night to mark the survival of their first week. Plus, Abby and Marcus were out of town for the weekend which gave her an empty house to control.

They agreed to do any necessary schoolwork Friday night and show up Saturday afternoon to begin the sleepover.

Echo and Harper showed up together first, bringing with them a wide array of snacks and drinks. The next to appear was Octavia with a huge bag of pillows and blankets. Last, but not least was Raven with two bags full of movies and video-games.

By then it was 2pm and they had already set up the pillow fort/nest that used to be considered the couch and they had gotten out the snacks.

"Sorry I'm late, I was with Murphy." She explained while taking her place between Octavia and Echo. Clarke was on the other side of Octavia while Harper was at the opposite end with Echo's arm around her.

Her explanation gained her a chorus of "oooh's" to which she promptly replied "shut up, and hand me the popcorn."

They started by watching some movies that they all loved and Raven, Echo, and Octavia made funny comments throughout to make everyone laugh.

Halfway through the third movie, they wanted something other than all the snacks they had gathered and ventured to the kitchen.

After many minutes of debate, they decided to make brownies. If Octavia got covered in cocoa powder and Harper had smeared egg on her cheek, that just added to the fun.

By the time they put the treats into the oven, it was already 7 and they knew they had to find some sort of dinner that didn't consist of only chocolate.

Just then, the doorbell rang and they all made confused faces. Harper turned around and made a show of counting each of them before giving Clarke a heavy shrug.

"Beats me. All the girls are here and the boys know they aren't allowed." She commented which made Clarke's brow furrow even more. Harper had a point, the boys knew the rules and there were only two who didn't fear their wrath enough to stay away every time.

Murphy and Bellamy.

The whole group went to the door and Clarke swung it open to reveal a smirking Murphy and a grinning Bellamy. The blue-eyed boy caught the door when Echo reached over to slam it in their faces.

"I know! I know the rules, and trust me after last time I won't break them again." Murphy was talking about the last girls night he crashed that got him two weeks worth of neon pink hair. "We're just here to deliver something and then we'll be out of your hair. Nice braids by the way."

He was referring to the matching French braids they all shared because at some point during the second movie Octavia and Harper couldn't sit still anymore and started braiding anything in reaching distance.

"You girls are really gonna want what we have." Bellamy commented while grinning at the matching onesies. Octavia was a leopard, Echo a wolf, Harper was a hippo, Raven was dressed in a tiger printed one, and Clarke was sporting the cow style.

He had to shake his head to stop thinking about how adorable she was with that hood on. Bellamy was even more startled to realize that Murphy did the same thing after gazing at Raven.

Clarke was not his girlfriend, he shouldn't be making heart-eyes at her the same way Murphy did to Raven.

"Okay, I'll bite, what did ya bring?" Octavia asked while peeking her head out the door to look at both sides, but pulled back when she saw nothing of interest.

"You'll love it. We'll be right back." Bellamy told them and took the porch steps two at a time with Murphy on his tail.

When they got to the car, they opened up the trunk and grabbed their surprises.

"Dude, ask her out." Bellamy heard Murphy mumble so the girls wouldn't hear.

"No, I don't like her like that." He huffed in reply and Murphy scoffed softly before shouting.

"Oh, my god! Bellamy, your pants!" The curly haired man jumped a good foot in the air and looked down at his pants only to see nothing.

"What are you going on about?!" Bellamy snapped as he gave Murphy a rough shove. The drama queen just stumbled back a step before grabbing his portion of the items and heading back in the direction of the house.

"They were on fire. Get it? Because you're a liar." Murphy deadpanned and Bellamy had never wanted to punch him more.

Soon enough, they were back at the door and presented their gifts to the group of curious women.

"You brought the baked mac' 'n' cheese?!" Raven smiled wide as she hugged her boyfriend tightly.

"Yep. You were sad that you were missing out on my cooking tonight so we decided to deliver." Murphy informed while handing the food to the girls and stealing a kiss from Raven.

"We also brought this." Bellamy said while revealing two big photo albums. "The boys already looked through them and we thought you might like a look too."

"Are those the friendship photos for our group?!" Harper exclaimed and when he nodded he gained a tight hug from Clarke.

Once she pulled away, Murphy tipped his invisible hat to them and Bellamy waved as they turned to leave and head back to the house that apparently had all the boys inside.

The sleepover went on as normal. The girls ate the macaroni and then the brownies that finished right on time even though Raven was involved and was a notoriously bad cook.

They painted nails, watched more movies and looked through pictures from the albums that the boys had brought them.

Clarke felt much more calm after the whole event and it made her happy to know the girls would always be there for her, as would the boys. She had a family here and it didn't matter that her an her mother weren't getting along too well recently because all she needed were these people that she knew without a shadow of a doubt would die for her just like she would die for them.

Many times people would ask what her family was like and she would describe her friends instead of her mother and Kane. People who asked would notice and comment that those were all her friends, not family. Clarke only had one thing to say to that comment.

Family didn't mean blood.

A/N Kind of just a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoyed and keep reading.

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