Chapter 8

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Stiles Pov

To be honest my current situation of being locked in Derek's room was half my own fault, I was bored, the Alpha was killed a few months ago, spring break was around the corner and I just wanted to join in after almost getting killed by my own cousin, in that result I was apparently distracting the beta's and Derek got pissed off and Man handled me to his room with much protest and locked me inside, I screamed for a good 10 minutes before remembering the morning I woke up here and the rooms being sound proof so I sat at the window watching them train, they where all throwing a number of shots at Derek I couldn't hear what he was saying but he had a frown and was clearly shouting at them, just watching Derek had me thinking more things then I should about my teacher, and this clearly told me I was gay by how I wanted to be the one jumping on him like Erica just did and smashing her lips to his. I aloud my hands to clench up into a fist as I frown at the sight, I watched as he shoved her away and wiped his own mouth shouted something and walked inside, Erica stood up with a from and the others just shook their heads at her then the door opened and I was to busy glaring out the window to care "trainings over"

"Uhuh" I mumbled my fist still clenched tightly and when Derek got close enough I turned in the seat and wacked him one on the jaw, his eyes widened in shock as he stumbled slightly away from me "thats for locking me up in here" he just stared shocked as I swung at him again landing another punch to his chest this time "and that was for" I cut myself off with a frown before storming out of the room and down the stairs

"Stiles" Derek called following down after me, he froze as I glared towards Erica before quickly retreating out the front door at the confused looks they all gave me, god jealousy really is a bitch, I got in my jeep and drove off home, I wished I was alone longer mum was out baking at her shop and dad was at work, and a brooding teacher was at my window because I refused to answer the door only I didn't get to lock it in time before he was pulling it open and climbing inside "what's wrong"

"Nothing go away" he didn't he sat down and frowned at me "just go away Derek, I don't want you here"

"I'm not leaving, you're not even angry, upset but not angry" he continued "you are actually jealous and disappointed"

I frowned "stop that" I said sternly pointing a finger at him "don't go smelling my feelings and telling me how I feel, I already know how I feel, just leave Derek"

I glared at him as he pulled off his jacket and shoes and headed out my room and down stairs "I'm hungry" he mumbled as he walked past I gaped at him and followed "want something to eat?"

"And now your being weird, you said hanging out with a bunch of your students is weird well im pretty sure man handaling one into your room and locking them there, then forcing yourself to stay at his house and making food is a little more jolt of concern if you ask me Mr Hale, don't you think you are crossing the line from Teacher Student relations there" I stated with a slight smirk trying to get some reaction from him

He froze his movements at the bottom of the stairs spinning around in time for me to collide into his chest "maybe I am but our mum's were friends before either of us were born so I don't think it's a matter of concern making sure my mums friends son eats something do you?" I shook my head pushing myself away from him "that's what I thought Stillinski now are you hungry"

"Starving" I mumbled staring back at him as he pulled me off the bottom two steps before he walked into the kitchen to cook, I just sat at the table and watched him, "thanks" I mumbled as he placed the food in front of me "sorry for punching you"

He shrugged and ate "I guess locking you up wasn't the wisest of choices, I deserved it"

"It wasn't even because you locked me up" I mumbled pushing the food around on my plate, "I just hate watching you guy, When all this started I knew I shouldn't get involved but I am, I want to help and now I'm just at another standing point, my cousin tried to kill me Derek, my own cousin and I could do nothing but shout like a pathetic weak human" I shoved food into my mouth in the attempt not to cry

"You're not pathetic or weak Stiles" Derek stated quite simply "human yes but not pathetic or weak" it was silent for a while as we finished eating "have you spoken to anyone about this?"

"Are you kidding me" I looked up to Derek "oh hey My cousin tried to kill me as a anthromorthic werewolf turning 4 teenagers in  the progress one of witch isn't even a werewolf for unknown reasons and now there's some crazy ass thing out there killing people again, yes Mr Hale I spoke to someone about my supernatural problems in the world" I got up and headed upstairs "goodnight Derek lock the door on your way out"

Seriously what was I thinking, of cause he wouldn't leave without getting his jacket and shoes, I'm in my room finish off the homework when he walked in 10 minutes later and placed himself on my bed, it remained silent for a while until he decided to speak "the counselor knows, about the supernatural, even if you don't want to talk to her then at least talk to me"

"I'm fine" I gritted out and did my work as he lay on my led with a hum "fine" I spun around in my chair to face him "I'm not ok, I just want to learn to defend myself but even then I get in the way"

"You don't, you don't get in the way" he mumbled obviously deciding the conversation ended there as he rolled over turning his back to me

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