10. I Have To Find Him

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Vanessa's POV

I wanted to cause even more pain for Bruno.

I saw him sitting in the the front row like a good little boy.

I was wearing a really sexy outfit that day that I'm sure that Bruno already told you about.

I decided to sit directly behind him.

I was gonna make him pay, I was gonna make him regret, I was gonna make him...


But I still need to find the person who was singing that song last night...

I had it stuck in my head so I unwillingly started to hum it during class when we were partner working.

I saw Bruno shake his head.

I hummed it for about 3 minutes more, watching him turn around ad stare at me.

It looked as if he was going to say something, but he just closed up like he always does and he kept it to himself.

Classic Bruno, Classic Bruno.

Bruno's POV

I turned back around, how did she hear me singing?

Was she at her window?

Tryin to get to me too?

Or am I just a fool?

I turned around again and saw her staring at me.


"Vanessa I know that you probably never want to see me again, but I need to talk to you alone... It's really important!"

She was about to answer when the bell rang.


She shrugged her shoulders and started walking to her next class.

It's Science, just like mine.

I tried walking with her but she kept trying to get rid of me.

"Get away fuckbag!" She said while pushing me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"I heard someone playing a beautiful song last night that I can't get out of my head... I'm just trying to find them now can you just PLEASE move?" she finally said pushing past me.

She was 3 feet away and I spoke up.

Not because I like her, but because I don't want her to deal with anymore lies.

"It was me!" I spoke up confidently.

She just laughed at me and slapped me in the face.

I think she could tell that I was serious though, because she said," Prove it then!"

I started singing in the empty hallway.

I know you're somewhere out there,

somewhere far away. I want you back,

I want you back. My neighbors think

I'm crazy but they don't understand,

You're all I had, you're all I had. Ohh

Ooohhh, at night when the stars light

up my room I sit my myself talking to

the mo..."

I was cut of by Vanessa.

By Vanessa...


I quickly pulled away.

"You don't know me Vanessa!" I exclaimed showing anger on my face.

"But that song was about me!" She said sounding shocked.

"No it wasn't..." I lied," It's about my mom." I said almost in tears.

"You really are a fuckbag! You're a socio, you can't even show your feelings to someone! You're insane!"

"I don't need your shit Vanessa! I don't need it, and I defiantly don't need you!"

All of those words flew right out of us, as if we were holding up those emotions that whole time.

I started walking away, trying to be on time for class when Vanessa yelled something that got my attention.

"Bruno you will regret ever talking to me! You will regret telling me that that song was made by you! You will regret, ever being on this planet!"

"And why is that?" I asked calmly back.

"You'll see, you'll see. In a couple years, you WILL see!"She said while shouting.

"Oh and by the way..." I started.

"It's Peter for you, not Bruno!' I ended while smirking.

I turned back around and heard her yelling things at me.

I didn't care, I didn't need her!

I got to the Science Room on time, unlike Vanessa who was 3 minutes late.

She gave me the middle finger when she walked in and gave herself detention in the principal's office until her Cheerleading game.

I gave her a hidden one back, but no one noticed but her.

We were halfway done with Science Class when the loud speaker went off...

"Peter Gene Hernadez to the office please... Peter Gene Hernadez to the office please! Thank you!"

Those words rang in my ear.

Oh Shit!

Not again!


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