Chapter 7

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Toph, Katara, and Aang were getting ready for their training

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Toph, Katara, and Aang were getting ready for their training. Persephone was on the sidelines, staring over a log to try and cause it to burn, just a small fire to be lit and she would meditate whenever she got too irritated. She listened to Toph getting ready with her surroundings and Katara having water surrounding her hands while Aang was blindfolded, for Toph's rules.

"Okay, I'm ready for some training." Aang said, and Persephone carefully watched, the boy being able to use his senses to see where everyone was and she smiled at him, Toph being a good influence on him.

She went back to her work, taking a deep breath and opening her eyes, the sun being at it's highest point and she tended her shoulders angrily. "How is this not working?" She muttered, pouting slightly as she heard Sokka yell.

"Sneak attack!" He yelled, only for Aang to block him with a rock wall.

"Sokka, sneak attacks don't work if you yell it out loud." Aang helped him while Persephone sighed, getting up and watching as Katara and Toph were wrestling in the mud.

"Hungry for a mud pie?" Toph asked, kicking mud in Katara's face.

She wiped it away while glaring at her. "I'll give you a mud pie." Katara yelled while they continued wrestling and Persephone cleared her throat.

"Stop it you two." She told them.

"Uh, guys, I thought we were supposed to be training me." Aang stated.

"Very well, pupil. I believe we've had enough training for today." Katara said while Persephone sighed and watched her walk away.

"While Katara cleans up, let's go have some fun." Toph said and Persephone watched the boys.

"Yes!" Sokka yelled happily.

"Yeah!" Aang cheered and Persephone smirked.

"You three be safe." She said, hugging Toph while she went stiff, then to Aang while he smiled happily at his best friend, and then to Sokka who held on to her tightly.

She pulled away and sighed. "Don't do anything stupid." She muttered and walked with Katara. The girl was washing her hair and getting rid of the mud while Persephone smiled at her. "You know, just because Toph acts a little tough doesn't mean you need to be a mother to her twenty four seven." She told her, Persephone sighing and Katara smirked, changing the subject.

"How's you're firebending going?" She asked, Persephone frowning and sat on the ground.

"Awful. I feel nothing. Completely nothing. It's like it just vanished." She muttered, placing her chin in the palm of her hand and Katara frowned with her.

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