Chapter 22

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AANGAang had waited for Ozai, just like the lion turtle told him to do

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Aang had waited for Ozai, just like the lion turtle told him to do. And he saw the large flames from Ozai using the comet, already destroying part of the Earth Kingdom and he stopped him. "Momo, time for you to go." Aang told his lemur. He lifted part of the rock pillar under him, he threw three large boulders at his engine, causing it to turn at an awkward angle. With one last blast of flames towards the mechanics the airship landed on the rocks.

Ozai wouldn't have it, he saw the young avatar as he threw off his arm our, burning his cape and he flew over towards him, getting ready for the large battle he had to face.

"After generations of Fire Lords failed to find you, now the universe delivers you to me as an act of Providence." Ozai said with a large smile.

"Please listen time me. We don't have to fight. You have the power to end it here and stop what you're doing." Aang warned him.

"You are right. I do have the power. I have all the power in the world!" He yelled, his body feeling what the comet gave him, allowing large streams of flames to leave his palms and mouth.

Aang got in a defensive position, looking down at his locket and back at Ozai. The Fire Lord punched the ground, a wave of heat heading towards Aang while he jumped over it, using his earthbending to toss a large boulder at him, but he crumbled it, allowing Ozai to jump up and try and face the avatar, only for Aang to block his move with a circle of fire.

A large explosion broke out, Aang landing on his feet while he got ready for his next move. As Fire Lord Ozai was hitting Aang with all he had, the young avatar was just trying to get away, dodging his moves with anything he could do.

But when Ozai moved quickly and shot him with a sneak attack, Aang used what little time he had left to block only the burn of his skin, Aang was thrown into a rock wall, his back hitting first as he knew just then that had to have hurt Persephone.

He got up, shaking it off while he told himself he would be more careful. When he covered himself in rocks, trying to block the flames the Fire Lord kept throwing at him, he then used a large gust of wind to blow him off the pilar, but to his surprise, he started to use lightening instead.

Aang kept dodging, knowing exactly when he had to do to block it. And when he got hit, he grabbed onto the strand of electricity, grunting at all the power he held. He almost unleashed it back to Ozai, but he couldn't, and quickly sent it just into the sky.

Aang fell, Ozai smirking at this while the boy lifted a wall to cover him, but it wasn't enough as he was falling.

Unconscious for only a few seconds, he woke up and felt the air moving around him, he pulled the ocean water up, catching his body as he landed smoothly into the water.

He stood up, seeing Ozai still coming after him as he took a moment to catch his breath. He scurried off, using his only mechanic to cover himself in a tiny ball of rocks.

Ozai laughed at him, coming over towards it. "You're weak. Just like the rest of your people. They did not deserve to exist in this world. In my world! Prepare to join them. Prepare to die!" Ozai yelled at him, unleashing all of his power to kill Aang.

"Come on out, avatar! You can't hide in there forever." Ozai told him, Aang feeling the heat burning him from the inside of his cocoon. He didn't want to, he looked down at his locket, taking a moment to see if he should get Persephone.

He hands fiddled with the golden sphere, the crimson red drop moving around in it. He thought against it, little did he know, moving the lid slightly to allow the tiniest amount of air to slip through.

He broke the ball, air bending the flames away from his body as he was pushed into a wall, a sharp rock lodging itself into the exact spot his scar was placed at. His eyes widened, the locked chakra unlocking.

"Come on out, little boy. You're about to be..." and he gasped, Aang gripping onto his beard, tattoos glowing, eyes glowing, and his quickly got out of the rubble, Ozai about to cut his head off, but Aang swiftly pushed his hand up.

Aang threw Ozai away from him with his air bending, a large ball of air circling around him. He roared loudly, fire shooting from every exit it could to make it look like a star. The flames bended into a ring, next was earth, and then water, all circling around him as Ozai saw this.

He rushed over towards the Fire Lord, the man being tossed around like a puppet, now the tables having turned as he was trying to flee away from Aang.

Ozai couldn't escape him, Aang pressing I gotta every move he made and took away any paths he tried to escape from. Aang has grabbed onto Ozai, wrapping water around him and he chained him up. "Fire Lord Ozai. You and your forefathers have devastated the balance of this world. And now you shall pay the ultimate price." Aang told him, using all four element in a strong jet of power. Only seconds before Ozai would have been dead, Aang stopped, his bending stopped while he got out of his avatar state and looked to the ground.

"No, I'm not gonna end of like this." Aang said.

"Even with all the power in the world... you are still weak." He said, and he moved, Aang feeling this while he dodged it, holding onto Ozai's hand with earth bending and the same for the next. He pushed him towards the ground pushing his flames away from his mouth while he stuck his fingers on his head and chest.

He took a deep breath, listening back to what he was taught. "In the era before the Avatar... we bent not the elements but the energy within ourselves."

Aang face lit up to a bright blue, Ozai's to a dark red. The two battled from the inside, the colors moving to an equal balance. "To bend another's energy... your own spirit must be unbendable or you will be corrupted and destroyed."

The red grew, climbing over Aang's body making it shake, the movement allowing the drop of blood from the locket to fall. It landed on Aang's chest, moving down as it simmered on his skin. In Aang's mind, Persephone appeared, the boy seeing all the wrongs he had down in his life.

"Aang." She said, the boy sniffling and looking at her.

"I can't, I can't do it." He told her, the girl bending down, smiling at him.

"Yes, you can. You are more than just the Avatar. You're Aang, my little brother. Katara and Sokka and Toph will need you. Don't give up on them. Don't give up on me." She said, Aang looking at her, seeing that she was blue and slightly invisible.

"What happened?" He asked, the girl shaking her head.

"Nothing Aang, I will see you again." She told him, disappearing as the sliver of blue grew out towards the sky. Ozai fainting as Aang looked at him. He tried to use his bending, but he couldn't.

"What, what did you do to me?" Ozai asked.

"I took away your firebending. You can't use it to hurt or threaten anyone else ever again." He said, and Aang lifted the ocean, getting rid of the fires as Persephone watched by his side, the boy not able to see her.


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