Chapter 9

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At dusk, the gang got to the rendezvous point early, Persephone smiling as she had time to train and get some much needed rest before the big fight

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At dusk, the gang got to the rendezvous point early, Persephone smiling as she had time to train and get some much needed rest before the big fight. "This is it, the official rendezvous point for the invasion force." Sokka told everyone.

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asked him.

"Before we split up, my dad and I found this island in a map. It's uninhabitable, and the harbor surrounded by cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place." Sokka said, everyone getting ready to set up camp and go to sleep.

"Nice choice, Sokka. And we're here four days ahead of schedule." Katara said.

"Wait, four days? The invasion's in four days?" Aang asked, panicking slightly while Sokka just yawned.

"Whatever, that's, like, four days from now. Let's just calm down and..." and that's when Sokka quickly fell asleep, Persephone looking to Aang and scooting closer to him.

"You'll be okay, Aang. Just try and get some rest." She told him.

"Sokka's got the right idea Aang. We're here, we're ready. The best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest." Katara said while Aang looked around nervously.

"I guess." He groaned, Persephone rubbing his back as she was trying to help him sleep, and soon she drifted off as well.

She was floating in water, her body feeling a push and pull of waves while she saw a bright light. "Dad! Up!" She heard, and she looked to see a man, long hair towards his shoulders with a bun on top. He was wearing swimming clothes, a crown on his head that glimmered in the sun's light while she blinked to see a scar on the left side of his face.

"Okay, okay. Why don't you go in the water with mom?" Zuko asked, Persephone frowning and not having any control as she rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Because he wants his father to get in the water as well." She told him, stepping towards the shore slowly as Zuko smiled widely at her. The woman grinned back, looking at the little boy as he grinned widely.

"Come on, dad!" He told him, Persephone bitting her lip and watched as he put down what she that was their child, and she felt a cool sensation on her hand.

"I will be there in a minute." He told the boy, Persephone laughing and kissing his lips softly. She pulled away just an inch as she smirked.

She used her bending to splash Zuko in the face, the Fire Lord gasping at the cold water while she laughed and picked up her son and started going in the water. "I'm going to get you two!" He yelled, chasing after them while the two laughed and Persephone looked behind her.

"You won't." She teased, and that's when she woke up.

Her eyes opened while she sighed, the dream feeling so real as she got up and saw Aang training, punching a tree. She looked at the group, Katara going over towards him first while Persephone yawned and looked to Sokka.

"What's the plan?" She asked him, Sokka grinning.

"I got some plans for Appa's armor and a plan for you now that you got some waterbending magic." He told her, the girl chuckling as they went off.

Aang has spent the whole day training, finally tired when he came back to the camp while Persephone and Toph were going over some basics for defense.

"Goodnight, Katara. Goodnight, Sokka. Goodnight, Toph. Goodnight, Persephone. Goodnight, Appa. Goodnight, Momo. Goodnight, Appa and Mo- -"

"Go to sleep, already!" Toph yelled at him angrily.

After the group was done, they went back to sleep and Persephone had another dream.

She was placed in a Fire Nation room. The floors and walls colored red with gold accents everywhere and she felt hands on her shoulders. "Do you like it?" A voice whispered, Persephone grinning and looking down, a white dress adorned her body and she frowned, turning to face Zuko who was in a suit.

"I love it, but it's too much. As always." She told him, smiling at him and he pulled her close.

"Nothing is too much for you. You deserve everything." He said, lifting her chin up while she closed her eyes and felt his lips on hers.

She smiled into the kiss, allowing her hands to pull him closer to her and she pulled away. She looked into his golden hazel eyes that matched her left one and touched his cheek. "I love you." She whispered, Zuko smiling and holding her hand.

"I love you, too." He muttered back, the words echoing in her head as she opened her eyes again and this time her heart was fluttering.

"Persephone! You need to make sure that you don't see Zuko at all! I had a dream that he used your soulmate bond and then put you in prison!" Aang yelled at her, the girl shaking her head.

"What?" She asked as she was just waking up, looking to Sokka as he frowned.

As Katara was trying to calm him down, Aang was telling the group how he cousins unstress, because whenever he thought of the invasion, it added stress.

"Of course you are. That's cause you gotta fight the Fire Lord, the baddest man on the planet. And you better win, or we're all done for." Sokka said while Persephone sighed.

"Sokka, you're not helping!" She yelled at him, and saw Aang's face.

"What, it's true. That's the deal, he knows it." Sokka told her while Katara saw him shivering and she got an idea.

Persephone sighed, seeing everyone come back with Aang still not better while she got an idea. She started by making a relaxing environment, then a soft bed made out of the kola-sheep wool and she smiled.

She looked at the boy, showing him the area while he smiled. "Thank you, Persephone. You know exactly what I need sometimes." He told her, the girl smiling and kissed the top of his head.

"That's what happens when I live with you my whole life." She said, watching him fall asleep.

The girl then looked to Katara and smiled while they were training.


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