Chapter 13

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Zuko was getting ready to train Aang on his firebending techniques while Persephone was concentrating on the sun hitting her skin

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Zuko was getting ready to train Aang on his firebending techniques while Persephone was concentrating on the sun hitting her skin. She tried to pull the energy from it to control her firebending that seemed to be nonexistent. "I know you're nervous, but remember, firebending in and of itself is not something to fear." Zuko told Aang, the girl opening her eyes as she watched them.

Aang sighed as he looked up at the boy. "Okay. Not something to fear." Aang muttered.

"But if you don't respect it, it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry Komodo rhino." Zuko told him while Persephone sighed and Aang gasped at him.

She got up and glared slightly at Zuko. "Be nice to him, he's scared." She told him, looking to Aang and sighed. "I might not have firebending, but I know the moves." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Now, show me what you've got. Both of you." He said, the girl growling.

"Fine." She bit at him, getting into a stance and made the biggest flame she could. She hit out her palm, and a little tiny smoke blew out, but that was it. Zuko and Aang both tried not to laugh, Persephone sulking. "I told you, I got nothing." She breathed out, Zuko taking her next to him.

"It's okay. Aang, show me." Zuko commanded, and Aang took a deep breath.

He did the same exact thing, just a puff of smoke while Persephone smirked. "He learned that from me." She told Zuko.

"Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration?" Aang asked him.

"Good idea. You might want to take a couple steps back." He said, and Persephone did as she was told, watching as Zuko got into his stance and tried to shoot out fire, but instead in was a little flame.

Persephone's eyes widened, looking to him and frowned. Aang clapped while Zuko looked at his hand. "What was that? That was the worst firebending I've ever seen." Zuko told him.

"I thought it was nice." Aang stayed and Zuko kept trying, only for little flames that would barely burn someone to appear.

"Why is this happening?" He grunted, looking to Persephone who raised her hands.

"I have had no bending since Ba Sing Se. It has nothing to do with me." She told him honestly.

"Maybe it's the altitude." Aang said, rubbing his head.

"Yeah, could be." He said while he continued to practice even simple forms and still couldn't get it, Persephone smirking.

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