two: challenge of 8 ball

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She hadn't planned on ever calling Ryan back. 

She really, truly, honestly didn't. 

That night at the bar was fun and that was just a simple fact. Cadence had laughed like she hadn't in a long time-- all thanks to a charismatic stranger who tugged her onto the dance floor and stumbled around with her like an idiot until one AM. It was the type of fun she didn't know she had been craving. 

She even felt guilty for it.

One moment, she was missing her late fiance, nearly tearing up at his memory. Then, the next, she was laughing so hard she was hunched over the shoulder of a strangely sweet smelling stranger. She sighed at the thought, head lolling back as she stared at the sky. It was an array of purples, blues, and pinks as the sun began to dip below the horizon. Stars were poking through the dark blanket, finally beginning to conceal the world.

She pursed her lips, brows furrowing as she recalled the many nights she and her fiance sat up staring up into the darkness. She bit down on her bottom lip, mind wandering back to when they were just freshman in highschool. Just mere specks on Earth's radar they laid in the grass, hands intertwined, chatting about conspiracy theories surrounding the universe. Just trying their damndest to escape the difficulties that came with the teenage years. 

 She smiled hesitantly, eyes shutting as she remembered how he'd lean over while she was mid-way through telling him the conspiracy. Nuzzled into her neck, cuddling her as she tried to continue speaking and not get distracted. When he whispered "Know what I realized?" She had fallen silent and looked over to him as he gazed up at her. He smiled slowly, his dark eyes moving down to her lips. "I think I love you, Cadence Alana LeRoy." He'd kissed her. He kissed her like she were the air he needed to breath and brushed her hair back as if she'd break at any hard contact. He kissed her so deeply, she'd forgotten about what she'd been saying and her mind began to swim with anxiety and lust. "I am in love with you," he whispered between kisses.

Between leaving her breathless.

She groaned, looking away from the sky and getting to her feet. Back to reality, as dusk took over into night, she grabbed the stupid hat Ryan had forgotten and spun it around, gazing down at the stupid sharpie on the inside and rolled her eyes heavenward. Happy 8th birthday, bud! Love grandpa, 2003.

Damn sentimental gifts.

She sighed heavily as she set the hat back on the table and pulled her cell phone from her jean pocket. She swept her dark hair over her shoulder and propped herself up on the table after clicking on the contact she'd made for Ryan. She listened to the rings, red nail polish shimmering from the light emitting from the glass doors into her house. She pursed her lips, getting ready to end the call when it appeared he wasn't going to answer.

Except, he did. "Hello?" She froze for a moment, his gravelly voice putting her into silence as she suddenly forgot what the hell she was doing. She looked to the hat, lips parting as he spoke again. "Uh, hello? Anyone there?"

"Hi. Yeah, sorry, um... It's Cadence." 

"Just when I'd given up hope." He joked. She could hear shuffling around and talking, which told her he was busy. Wonderful. "You been on a vacation with no service?" He teased and she snickered, looking down while shutting her eyes. She felt her cheeks warm and was suddenly even more flustered.

"No, I-I-I haven't really. Um, I just haven't had time." She lied smoothly and got to her feet, beginning to pace. "You left your hat at the bar."

"I know." He sounded disappointed. He sighed heavily, her lips drawing down into a frown as she realized he actually regretted it. She felt suddenly much better about calling. 

"Well, luckily for you, I grabbed it before the bouncer kicked everyone out for closing."

"Wait, seriously?" He asked. Cadence's smile spread across her face as she could practically feel the weight being lifted off of his shoulders. "Seriously? You did? Thank God. I've been sick about that... My grandfather gave that to me years ago. I never wear it and the one time I do--"

"Well, don't beat yourself up about it anymore." She smiled, lifting the hat and flipping it around to face the front. 

"Look at you. Guardian angel and all that," She snickered at his words and turned to the glass doors, sliding it open and slipping inside. "I don't know when I'm going to be back that way but I'll look and book a flight sometime soon." She raised a brow, surprised that he traveled. In effort to avoid the stereotype, Cadence assumed it was for work. Which was impressive. She tried playing off her surprise as she set the hat down on the counter in her kitchen and pursed her lips. 

"I could ship it to you?" 

"No way." He laughed and she raised a brow. "You were totally gonna ghost me and you didn't. Therefore, I'm coming to you, getting my hat, and taking you out." She pursed her lips, trying to find the question in his words. There wasn't one, she realized. No way to decline and no way to make up an excuse because he didn't give her a date. She parted her lips, trying to figure out what to say to get out of the situation. "Okay, a movie, dinner--"

"It's just a hat." She laughed and he chuckled. Even after spending only hours together days ago, she could envision his smile.

"You're right. Casual. Look up a nice park around you. Text me, too. I can kick ass in imessage games."

"I'm the queen of 8-ball."

"Madam, excuse my honesty, but you're being overthrown."

"Kind sir," The brunette began, her smile wide. "Challenge accepted." She hung up. 


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