fifteen: psycho smile

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The Geico 500 was an exhilarating race for fans worldwide this summer. For the right reasons? Maybe not. Talladega was chalk-full of traumatic crashes, high speeds, and agitation. Theoretically, after canceling her counseling appointments and ignoring most of Julia's calls, she shouldn't have followed Ryan to his work. For her mental health yeah. Maybe not the best idea; but she was still riding this new enthralling high of living. Not much could suay her from leaving Ryan's side...

Especially not after their encounter during the impromptu road trip.

Especially not after him calling her baby and almost kissing her.

She was frustrated, confused, and stressed.

And for once, since she met Ryan, it wasn't due to his stupidly dangerous career. He was on his way back to his motorhome, where she was perched comfortably on the counter as if it were her own home. She'd shared a living space with him on more times than one, and her guest bedroom was still yet to be used.

Therefore, she could sit on the counter.

At least, that's what she told herself as she listened to the NASCAR discussion on the TV post qualifying. Her eyes were trained on some irrelevant object within the motorhome, Sturgill softly sleeping somewhere in front of the couch. She sucked in a sharp breath as the door swung open and in-walked Ryan.

He wasn't empty-handed, and instead carried a bag of fast food and a couple drinks. "I brought lunch." He smiled, shrugging a shoulder as he placed everything beside her on the counter. "Well, Amanda bought us some on her way to the track."

"Ooh, fun! Amanda can keep me company during the race tomorrow?" She asked hopefully and Ryan laughed, nodding his head as he dug into the bag. He passed her a package of ten piece nuggets and a burger for himself. He was quick to unwrap it before passing her his phone.

"Get her number out of there, I'm sure she will." She rolled her eyes, taking his phone in hand. "Here," He unlocked it with his fingerprint. "And put your fingerprint in it,"

"Why?" He took a big bite of his burger and smiled.

"No reason," He muttered with his mouth full. She snickered and did as he asked before sending herself Amanda's contact information. 

"Disgusting!" She teased him gently.

"Says the one with her ass on my counter." He teased back.

"Oh, okay. Like you're gonna complain." She rolled her eyes. He snickered once again, nodding with a shrug.

"You're not wrong, Lana." He laughed. "I'm off for the rest of the night, what are we doing?" 

"Let's watch a scary movie." She grinned widely. 

Had she bothered to turn and look at him after they ate, just as she plopped down on the couch, salmon and white flowy sundress resting taunt over her tanned thighs, she would have caught his gaze. It lingered a while longer, though she didn't notice as she began to scour Netflix for an interesting title. He disappeared into his bedroom after a few moments and returned in sweats and a t-shirt carrying a grey fuzzy blanket. He tossed a corner over her before plopping down beside her, his arm extending behind her shoulders. 

"I appreciate the initiative," He began, plucking the remote from her hand as she looked up to him while also being mindful of the minimal distance between them. "But we both know you're never gonna pick a movie."

"Okay, fine. Call me out." She muttered, resting her head back on his arm with her arms crossed. He snickered, clicking on a movie that was already in his list. His mind was obviously elsewhere, as whenever her eyes drifted up to his to see if the various twists and turns the plot took captured his interest as much as her. 

The Concept  |r. blaney|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang