seven: reckless rambles & hopeless will

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As grateful as she was for Ryan being okay, she wasn't sure how okay she was with leaving the restaurant alone with him the following day. He'd brought her out to eat with a few of his friends as well as hers-- the pair having sort of snuck away to their own table to actually be able to hear each other speak.

Then Ryan had the grand idea of just leaving.

How irresponsible to agree, huh? 

She did, however. She and Ryan wandered out after eating only half the meal (although Ryan did pay for the whole meal for everyone, which Cadence thought was overly kind of him... but she also had a great amount of respect as well.) Perhaps that was what gave him the confidence to suggest leaving together in the first place.


She had forgotten whatever their previous conversation had been when they wandered into the park across the restaurant together, reminiscing about meeting for the second time in her town. It was late, they were both surely tired-- surely that was why Ryan suggested they take a seat on the bench just in front of the sunset, right?

Cadence was nervous, practically twiddling her thumbs as she gazed up at the sunset that differed so greatly from her home view. The same sun in a different place with different clouds-- giving off thousands of different shows all over the planet. Universe, at that. She sighed contently, eyes wandering over the swirls of oranges and deep purples until a gentle, calm smile coveted her features.

"This is actually really pretty," She laughed softly, head tilting to the side slightly before she looked over to Ryan. Only to find his eyes on her, chin propped in his palm as he faced her. "The views are that way," She teased. Ryan grinned, glancing over at the sun set before his bright eyes slowly moved back to her.

"I disagree." She raised a brow, her cheeks no doubt turning pink as she chuckled softly. She kept her eyes trained on the sunset, feeling his on her. Her heart was beating rather quickly as she recognized the minimal distance between them. "You're turning pink, Cadence." He laughed, looking out into the skies. Finally.

She seemed to shrink down at his words and lack of eyes on her. Then she laughed. "Shut up, Blaney." She tested his last name on her tongue, smirking as he looked back over to her but with his lip caught between his teeth as he looked over her face. Studying her, as he did. 

"You're adorable. Trying to be all mean and badass," He teased, her lips parting as she let out a gentle scoff with a ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Trying? Maybe you just haven't found the appreciation of my very honest locution?" She suggested and he furrowed his brows. 

"Not sure what that means, but it was definitely teasing. So..." He paused, shrugging a shoulder as he glanced at the sunset-- and right back to her. "Yeah. You're not gonna be mean to me."

"Ew, arrogance! You narcissist."

"Narcissists admire themselves. I'm admiring you, so try again, you little intellect." This time, she only dropped her head into her hands with a smile that surely spread ear-to-ear. He laughed, sweeping her hair over her shoulder so he could see at least part of her face before resting his arm behind her on the back of the bench. She sighed heavily, glancing at him before laughing at her own flustered actions.

"You're impossible."

"Really? Thought I was being extremely straight forward." He muttered in a fake surprised voice before humming. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, eyes wandering up to the horizon once more. The town they'd driven to was much smaller than where the track was, leaving an absolutely silent and calming atmosphere for them. 

The Concept  |r. blaney|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ