twenty-one: wild as her

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Ryan's hand was on the wheel, the other in her lap as the car engine and soft hum of the radio kept the pair company. It had been weeks together. Days came, went, and suddenly nights spent without each other grew rare. Those nights were lonesome, the nights spent talking until they fell asleep over facetime. Once awakening, the couple would greet each other with gentle good mornings before being dragged away from each other by life.

Ryan's life was demanding. He traveled, got tremendously stressed by the NASCAR playoffs beginning, and not only that-- but missing his Lanalee. However, it worked vice versa as well. Cadence was lonely, typing away at her articles and plotting dozens more. It was the type of work she hadn't been inspired to create in years. Of course, this particular artistic expression was fueled by only one thing; perhaps the most incendiary of all.


Missing someone you love and loving someone you miss in this day and age seems so... self destructive. Especially with a woman as independent as Cadence with the possibilities at her very own fingertips and fortunate finances at hand.

With glasses on her nose, sweatpants loose on narrow hips, brown hair curled and waved to the beat of their own bass. Time passed so quickly between checking her phone and listening to music— spinning in her computer chair with a pen between her teeth and eyes shut as she recalled moments with him. She'd squeal like a school girl, legs crossing as she sat up excitedly and began to jot down anything that made her smile.

Even as she sat beside him presently, on their way to their last few hours to spend together (pre-determined to be dinner at a fancy restaurant even though they both wore jeans and tees.) Instead of being chock full of levity, the truck held a cumbersome weight. Ryan glanced at his girlfriend as he nonchalantly caressed the back of her hand with his thumb.

"You doin' okay?" He asked her gently. Cadence's smile was hesitant as she watched the passing aging southern skyscrapers and picket fences withholding giant beauties. Venetian red barns with inviting doors wide open stood among acres of land. They were the only skyscrapers here.

Delicate blue eyes graced the buildings as she brought her free hand to her lips, a smile flashing as she imagined what it'd be like. How serene it was, with half the demand and all the bliss. With horses, livestock companions eager to run and run and run— traverse those acres of land and flourish. A time where man and animal are in perfect sync. Cadence's smile was hesitant, but when overlooking the farm, it was secured. "Yeah, just dreading the flight home."

"You're not the only one." He hummed gently, following her gaze to the fields. He pressed his lips together, foot lightening on the gas. "Ever been? Horse riding?"

"No. Once, maybe." She shrugged and looked back to the road. Ryan didn't even think twice as he removed his hand from hers and smiled wide.

"Let's skip dinner then."

"What?" But they were already pulling a u-turn. She laughed, cheeks rising with excitement.

"Cmon! We're dressed to ride and instead of moping at dinner, we can adventure!"

"Ryan, we don't know them! They might not even—"

"Can't hurt to try." He laughed.

She shook her head, eyes twinkling. Admiration, adoration— whatever you will, it was evident and it was burning brighter than ever

The couple pulled into the long farm drive. They got out, practically bouncing with excitement just as soon as a man no older than Ryan exited the large white home. He wore jeans and nothing else, sweat glistening from his chest and brown hair messy. He flashed a toothy grin to them, calloused hands landing on his hips as Ryan's hand was taken by both Cadence.

To her surprise, she found herself being given a leg up not ten minutes later. She gasped, gripping the saddle horn, reins, and the brown beats mane. Her eyes were wide as she looked down to her boyfriend with the most freeing laugh he'd ever heard.

The ranch hand, Trent, was kind and inviting. The epitome of southern hospitality, with a southern drawl thicker than even Chase's.

"What brings you folks to these parts?" Trent queried some time later. They'd taken the path away from the road, passing by a small apple orchard and crossed a shallow stream. The small lingering gazes of Ryan to Cadence were rarely caught by her, but their guide surely caught on.

"Work," Cadence spoke up, eyes wandering to Ryan. "Ry is a NASCAR driver."

"NASCAR?" He asked, brows darting high. Ryan's tight lipped smile and light blush made Cadence grin as she nonchalantly brushed her hand against the horse's neck.

"Yeah, family thing."

They all three rode together through the fields; deeper than she originally thought. They looped through trees, easy chatter filling the serene silence until the sun began to dip below the horizon. Cadence and Ryan gladly helped untack and brush their horses with Trent; thus earning a friend, his phone number, and an open invitation to return should they ever be in the area again.

It wasn't until they were back in the truck that Cadence finally realized what they'd spent their day doing. And when she did, she turned to Ryan with the toothiest grin and most hopeful glint in her eyes. "When everything gets normal, I want this. I want the farm, I want the horses, and endless chore list. I... I've had the buy house, luxury, big city. I hate it. This... this is everything."

"I agree." Ryan chuckled as he backed out of the driveway, not looking her way until they were on their way to the airport. "What do you mean when things get normal?"

"I don't know. When it's less back and forth." She shrugged, lips pressing together as she watched the farm disappear in the mirror. Ryan flashed a smile and raised a brow at her.

"Back and forth? You mean traveling? Because I agree. And..." he hummed, shrugging a shoulder. "I have the big farm house and land."

Just like that, he's gathered up all her attention. Cadence turned, both brows raising high as she blinked slowly. "Are you suggesting me move in with you?" Ryan parted his lips, beginning to stumble over his words and back track. His blush was dark and visible even with his beard.

"I mean— unless, you know you... I don't know, like ma—"

"Are you sure you want me to move in?"

"Never been more sure." He laughed nervously, eyes lingering on hers for a beat longer than safe. She grinned and unbuckled, moving to plant a kiss on his cheek before returning to her spot and buckling. Ryan couldn't help but chuckle as he grabbed his girlfriends hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.

THE END IS NEAR. But not yet. Soon. Very soon. I had some... different plans for this story, however, I changed my mind last minute. Typical.

Any other fics anyone's craving? Originals? Fandoms? I'm curious and ready to plot 😈

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