fourteen: talkin' tennessee

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Ryan hadn't lied when he said he'd be there bright and early Monday morning. 

She'd gotten dressed and ready for her day, received a pep talk from Julia, and was out the door swinging her keys on her index finger as anxiety began to set in. She got into her car, sighing heavily as her palms drifted over the wheel. As the clock hit 5:45, she was set out for the airport.

6:00 sharp, she was awaiting a text back--

And 6:11, Ryan jumped her by swinging open her car door. He left his luggage beside the car, knelt in the passenger seat, and reached out to the brunette at the wheel. She, who yelped in surprise, dropped her cell phone to the floor by her feet as his arms wound around her. He was laughing far before she was, but as she hugged back. He hummed in a small, adorable voice,"Missed you, Lana,"

Oh, and several kisses were given to her by a smiley puppy, who had accompanied Ryan for this round of visitation. 

That day was spent talking complete nonsense. They ended up walking around the subdivision  with Sturgill aimlessly leading the way in excitement. It felt as if it had been a lifetime between the last time he'd come to visit; like everything was so... different.

Cadence couldn't pinpoint why; at least, not consciously.


Her hair was half braided when Ryan walked into the bathroom behind her, two glasses of water in hand. One with a lemon slice, one without. "I'm bored." He declared, moving beside her as she glanced over at him in the mirror.

"Hi b-"

"Beautiful? Aw," His hand began to fan his cheeks after placing their drinks on the counter. "Cadence, too kind."

"Shut up."

"Eh, nah... you're fun to pick on." He turned his back to the mirror, gripping the counter top as he looked down to her. Childishly lifting himself up and dropping down again, she was forced to look over to him instead of through the mirror. "What are we gonna do today?" She half shrugged, moving the elastic band between her teeth. He watched, raising a brow as his eyes remained trained on her lips. "Don't be lame."

"You're lame."

"You're lame."

"You love me," She took the band away from her mouth and tied off the braid.

"Whoa, Lana. Too soon!" He playfully teased.

She didn't understand-- then her eyes widened and cheeks flushed in absolute horror. "Shut up!" She scooped up her drink and cradled it to her chest, brushing by him and into her bedroom. She was surprised to see her bed made with Sturgill laying atop it sleeping; even still, in a desperate attempt at escaping an awkward conversation with a man that was literally cohabiting with her for the next week she saved her praises. The effort was just that. That conversation would be had at one time or another.

"You've told me to shut up too many times," He teased, leaning forward and tickling her side. She squealed, nearly dropping her glass. If it wasn't for Ryan grabbing it, she would have... Yet, he swooped in and saved her carpet from an unnecessary wash. He swiftly placed it on the side table before he was tickling her. She burst out laughing as she fell back on the bed immediately, attempting to scoot away. Sturgill stirred awake, shooting the two adults an estranged look before stretching.

Again, the effort-- fruitless.

"You c-choose! Don't-- Tickle!"

"I already had a plan." He smiled, placing his hands on either side of her head as he leaned down over her. She squinted up at him in a false sense of annoyance. "Can you play poker?"

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