eighteen: she won't be lonely long

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She didn't call.

But she did receive a call. Except it wasn't from Ryan.

When this... unnamed person asked her out. In a confused fluster, she agreed. Now, there's a reason to her sporadic decision, even if it seems like there isn't. At least, that's what Cadence repeatedly told Julia, her therapist, and herself. When a cooler night in Arizona rolled around, she hopped into a giant black truck with a lot of effort, as it was lifted unnecessarily high from the ground and was met with a cheesy grin of a long brown haired man.

Not the one she'd rather be with, but still, creepy party Dakota would due. That's how she referred to him with her internal monologue, at least. "Hey girl. I was surprised you agreed to date night," He bit his lip.

Cadence flashed the green eyed man a quick smile as she clasped her seat belt on. "Hanging out, not a date." She quickly corrected. "After trying to make a move on me while I was plastered, you got knocked down a few pegs."

"Yes, ma'am." He purred lowly, eyes moving along Cadence's small frame. She rolled her eyes, sucking in a sharp breath. "So, why did you agree anyway?" He asked as the obnoxiously loud engine began to hum as they took off up the road. The sun was nearly down already, leaving the Arizonian terrain chalk-full of shadows and mystery.

"Oh, well... you know." She paused, recalling the text message she received from the youngest Blaney. there's a bonfire by your house and some guy named dakota says he knows you?? if i bring you up and he brings you, would you come? please! i dont wanna be the only girl :( "Tired of staying inside... laying under really soft blankets in air conditioning. Watching Netflix, reading books upon books... writing." She smiled softly. "Thinking."

"Tell me about it. TV and books? Belong in the bonfire." 

She shot the man beside her a sharp look before directing her gaze out of the passenger window. Such a buffoon. Not recognizing that she was being sarcastic.

The ride was filled with music and Dakota awfully singing along. Her fake smiles and chuckles only fuelled the fire as they approached the actual bonfire. They crossed a small bridge and entered a dead field where a fire burned brightly. The small stream they crossed was loud, nearly overpowering the crackle of the fire as the pair exited the truck and approached the others.

The fire was surrounded by vehicles. A bunch of people Cadence didn't recognize, Dakota, and Erin Blaney. She was immediately at Erin's side, choosing not to drink along with everyone else. Her hopes were pretty much crushed as she realized that Erin was in fact the only Blaney.

Even so, she approached the girl suit in tight jeans and a flowy tank top and abandoned her ride. The girls talked, laughed, and joked for hours. The sun had fallen below the horizon and suddenly, all the alcohol was gone. Dakota begged Cadence to drive him into town to get them all more, as others had arrived since she did.

Eventually, she gave in; if only to keep the drunken man off the roads.

And they left and return within the inside of an hour. That hour, however, was just long enough for another truck to roll up. Let's say Erin Blaney's plan was moving better than she thought.

Cadence pulled up to the bonfire and cut the engine as a now sleeping Dakota snored loudly beside her. She wasn't comfortable leaving a man that drunk alone and instead opted to punch his shoulder. He jolted up, looked around, then yelled "Booze!"

And then darted out of the truck.

"What a winner," She whispered softly as she cut the engine. She pocketed the keys and hopped out of the tall truck with an eye roll. A few guys rushed to the truck to help their drunken friend carry boxes of alcohol while Erin excused herself from whatever conversation she were having with her boyfriend and rushed to Cadence.

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